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Updated: 2004-11-19 17:29
Bush pardons Thanksgiving turkey

美國總統布什“大發善心” 感恩節火雞“幸免于難”

Bush pardons Thanksgiving turkey

U.S. President George W. Bush takes no chances for a mishap as he grabs a turkey named 'Biscuit' by the neck during a photo opportunity at the turkey pardoning ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House November 17, 2004.

U.S. President George W. Bush has expressed a common bond with a broad-breasted turkey named "Biscuits," which won a White House election to become national turkey for this year's Thanksgiving holiday.

"This is an election year and Biscuits had to earn his spot at the White House," Bush said on Wednesday at an annual Rose Garden ceremony at which he pardoned the 44-pound (20 kg) white tom turkey from a centre-stage appearance on the Thanksgiving dinner table.

The president, who won re-election on November 2 after a tight race against Democrat John Kerry, joked that Biscuits and his running-mate, "Gravy," had run "neck-and-neck" against a rival ticket of "Patience" and "Fortitude."

Bush said the national turkey election had several parallels with the 2004 presidential race, which featured attacks on Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and the anti-Bush movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" by filmmaker Michael Moore.

"It came down to a few battleground states," the Republican president said.

"It was a tough contest and it turned out some 527 organizations got involved, including Barnyard Animals for Truth. There was a scurrilous film that came out, "Fahrenheit 375 Degrees At 10 Minutes Per Pound," he said.

The 22-week-old Biscuit, who was more interested in the Rose Garden shrubbery than the ceremony, will spend the rest of his days at a Virginia petting farm called "Frying Pan Park."



本周三(11月17日),布什在一年一度的“玫瑰花園”慶典上說:“今年是大選年,‘餅干’在白宮贏得了一席之地。”布什“赦免”了這只44磅(20 公斤)重的白色雄火雞,“餅干”因此逃過一劫,不用像其他火雞一樣出現在感恩節大餐餐桌中央。




布什還說:“國家火雞競選是一場嚴酷的競爭。最后約有527個組織參與其中,包括Barnyard Animals for Truth組織。火雞大選期間還出現了一部檔次較低的電影,叫做《Fahrenheit 375 Degrees At 10 Minutes Per Pound》”。




parallel: the condition of being parallel; near similarity or exact agreement in particulars; parallelism(近似,類似,相近的狀況)

scurrilous: expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language(用粗俗的、下流的、辱罵的語言來表達的)

shrubbery : a group or planting of shrubs(灌木叢)

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美國總統布什“大發善心” 感恩節火雞“幸免于難”
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