

Deborah A. McCarthy, US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, shares her view about what China can learn from the US in maintaining a sustainable growth model.

Q: China has been trying to strike a balance between environmental protection and a faster economic growing. However, as Robert F. Kennedy once noted in his famous speech some forty years ago, it's important to know what the GDP means, however, more importantly, what the GDP does not mean. As the fastest-growing economy in the world, what do you think China should learn from the US on this regard?

A: In the Untied States, at all levels, from families at home, through schools through local associations, to the various levels of government, there has been in the past decade growing realization of the need to protect what we have and to seek growth through this protection. It has become a central part of what we do business. It goes to recycling in the schools, it goes from protecting roads and beaches and so forth at the school level of through national programs such as those launched by our president. So, I think we have a way that we have approached that we are a very large consuming nation, and a huge market. So I would say that that is an area where there is more than ample room for fruitful exchange. We certainly need to continue learning on how best to manage our environment from others, we don't have all the answers. So I think it would be a wonderful area to have additional exchanges, and in some of the exchanges, Chinese enterprises could do very good business.

Q: For example?

A: I won't predict which ones, but certainly in key areas of mass consumption, where again, there is need for recycling and further use of the products, I think there could be a number of exchanges there.

Q: We've talked so much about the US investment environment, how about Chinese investment environment? Do you think that the US companies should invest more money in the Chinese market?

A: I think US companies are hungry to invest more in Chinese market. It is seen as an excellent size having huge potential number of areas. We hear from many, many companies that want to come here, they are constantly sort of knocking at the door. So I would say yes, it is an extremely attractive market and one where a number of large, small and medium enterprises if not here would like to enter. And we have learned about the market in the years we have come here with valuable lessons and how best to cooperate, you know with respecting local norms and the culture, and for prosperous growth of both sides.

Q: What about US energy corporations invest in China?

A: I am not going to make any predictions about specific companies. Each company makes their own, but I think that's an area where we have seen investment, and we are likely to see more. Energy is the Gordian knot that challenges all the economies as they move ahead and grow. Resources are finite, it is a challenge for both countries. We face large challenges in that area, and I think we've had fruitful exchanges on it.

Q: What do you think the US companies should do when they add carbon emissions to China when starting new energy business?

A: Again, in that area, in a dialogue that we are having enlarged into a global area, that challenge is present. How best to measure it? There's been a lot of expertise going on measuring, there has been a lot of expertise to go in carbon trading emissions. Our challenge is to come up with a global norm. That will enable us to all be on the same line or sheet of music. Going forth, I think that's the key element.

Q: Okay, thank you Mrs McCarthy.

A: You are welcome, I enjoyed it.

Q: Thanks for watching.

Quotable Quotes
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Deborah A. McCarthy
Our challenge is to come up with a global norm. That will enable us to all be on the same line or sheet of music.

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