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China urges US to stop 'groundless accusations' about cyber attacks


Updated: 2015-09-11 21:03:24


BEIJING -- China on Friday urged the United States to stop its "groundless accusations" of cyber attacks, saying cyber security should be an area of cooperation rather than a source of frictions.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the comment after US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Thursday that China and Russia posed the most advanced cyber threats and that Chinese cyber espionage continues to target a broad spectrum of US interests.

"The Chinese government firmly opposes and cracks down on all types of hackers," Hong said at a regular news briefing, adding that China is also a victim of cyber attacks.

As two major powers in cyber space, China and the United States share extensive common interests while facing common challenges, he said.

"Cyber security should be an area of cooperation rather than a source of frictions. Some US personnel should stop their groundless accusations against China," Hong said.

The spokesman called on the United States to participate in dialogue and cooperation with China on the basis of mutual respect and trust to foster a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative online world.
