70% of stores open in Urumqi [2009-07-22 11:05]
It's been about two weeks since deadly riots in Urumqi. And residents are now gradually recovering and striving for revival. |
Large companies invest in Xinjiang [2009-07-21 22:11]
The riot in Urumqi has not dampened the enthusiasm of large-scale companies wanting to invest in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. On Tuesday, a major power company broke ground for a new wind power site in Turpan. |
新疆:農產品產銷對接 重點工程穩步推進 [2009-07-21 20:38]
商務部和新疆維吾爾自治區共同舉辦了新疆農產品產銷對接洽談會。來自北京、上海、廣東等地的19家大型農產品批發零售企業負責人與新疆15個地州市的農產品供應商進行了產銷對接。 |
烏魯木齊“7·5”事件無辜死難者家屬撫恤補貼提高至42萬元 [2009-07-21 19:44]
對打砸搶事件中無辜死難者家屬的撫恤補貼金額將提高到42萬元人民幣。 |
Xinjiang fruits hit the market [2009-07-21 19:26]
The summer heat in Xinjiang may be unbearable to visitors. But it's a blessing to orchards throughout the autonomous region. Xinjiang's celebrated fruits are ripening and growers are very, very happy. |
Kashgar old city reconstruction program underway [2009-07-21 17:24]
The Old City in Kashgar in western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was a famed trading hub on the Silk Road. But buildings there have been worn down by the years. Now a reconstruction program is underway in the historical city to improve residents' living conditions while maintaining its traditional style. |
共建心靈綠洲 [2009-07-21 15:32]
烏魯木齊“7·5”事件已過去半個月,在暴行中遭受傷害的新疆各族群眾一批又一批治愈出院了,但他們遭受的心理創傷,則需要更長的時間才能愈合。 |
Business recovers in Urumqi [2009-07-21 14:04]
Businesses in Urumqi are recovering from the July 5th riots. Although there's still a way to go, shop owners there remain confident. |
Hospital, society try to save young victim
[2009-07-21 13:19]
Hospital staff in Urumqi are still working around the clock to save those injured in the July 5th riots. One of the victims is a four-year-old boy. |
新疆教育界文藝界人士表示 要結合工作實際維護民族團結 [2009-07-21 11:36]
連日來,新疆教育界、文藝界知名人士紛紛表示,要從自己的工作實際出發,維護民族團結、共同繁榮發展的大好局面。 |