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Regards from ROK ambassador to China

Updated: 2012-11-07 16:47

Lee Kyu-hyung, ROK ambassador to China talks to chinadaily.com.cn, giving his comment of China's great achievements during the past decades and expectation of the country's new leadership and future after the 18th CPC National Congress.


The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will decide China's policies for the next five years, and new top leadership will be elected at the congress. We are paying close attention to it.

I hope that when the new top leaders are elected, they will keep China's economy growing and its society stable. And, at the same time, they can contribute to the peace, development and prosperity of the region and the world. We are also hoping – especially as Sino-Korean ties have tightened in the past 20 years – the new leadership will give greater attention and support to a deeper development between the two countries.

I think that China's development in the past ten years is a great achievement. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the government, the Chinese people have contributed greatly to the country's development and have faith in the country. I believe such development will continue in the future.

The Chinese people can feel the country's development. We are also expecting China to play its role as one of the leading countries in the world.

More video on the 18th CPC National Congress

Videographer: Cong Ruiting & Wu Chuanjing

Video: Lou Yi

Transcript: Huang Lan

Producer: Flora Yue
