兩會召開在即,ChinaDaily手機報"手機問政"調查收到大量讀者反饋。大家最關注的民生問題是什么?今年又出現了哪些新的民生訴求?歡迎關注本期慢讀深度解析。" />


手機問政 聚焦兩會

2013-03-04 10:11:17


手機問政 聚焦兩會



Improving education, similar to last year, is seen as the top priority among topics expected to be addressed at the upcoming annual "2 sessions" of the NPC and CPPCC, according to a survey conducted among China Daily Mobile News readers. As of the end of February, 1,750 participants joined the survey. The hot topics also include house prices, food safety, anti-corruption and income distribution, which is consistent with 2012. Environmental protection and trends in cultural thinking are also among the top 7 for the first time. At the same time, "happiness", "fairness", "harmony" and "a decent standard of living for the old" are the most frequently found words among the messages from respondents.


?1. 教育與就業手機報讀者關于教育方面的反饋達450條(約占問政短信的25.7%),成為受訪手機讀者最關心的兩會問題。具體包括教育體制改革、大學生就業、教師待遇、大學教師職稱評定、農村中小學撤點并校、自考等。其中教育體制改革(290條,16.6%)最受關注,其次是教師待遇(100條,5.7%)和大學生就業(60條,3.4%)。

Up to 450 messages, or 25.7% of the total feedbacks, talk about education, making it the most heated topic in the survey. Specific issues involve education system reform, student employment after higher education, teachers' salaries, instructors' professional title appraisals in colleges, the merging of rural primary and middle schools and self-study examination. Education system reform is attracting the most attention with 290 messages (16.6%), followed by teachers' salaries (100 messages, 5.7%) and university graduates' employment (60 messages, 3.4%).


"I hope it is still not too late for the post-2000 generation if there is a reform of exam-oriented education, though there is a long way to go," says a reader from Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, in his message. He says he is one of those high school students who are now preparing for this year's college entrance examination, and that he and his classmates are getting worn out by the test pressure. Some other readers talk about why college students are finding it hard to get a job after graduation; they think it is related to the expansion of enrollment in colleges. Teaching quality is going downhill with more students enrolled and more majors set up.?

2. 房價房價成為手機報讀者第二關注的熱門話題,相關問政短信達230條(13.1%)。在這個分項里,近9成讀者認為目前房價仍然太高,工薪族難以承受;約半數關注房價的讀者認為高房價與官員腐敗相關;還有部分讀者提出,保障房存在分配不合理、監管漏洞等問題。

The housing price (230 messages, 13.1%) is ranked No 2 among issues attracting attention, just after education. Nearly 90% of those caring about real estate say the current house prices are too high to be afforded by wage-earners; about 50% of them believe the high housing price is related to official corruption. Some respondents talk of social security housing, which they think is not fairly distributed and in which there is also supervision loopholes.


Speculators and local governments at all levels are flocking to real estate invest, making industries shrink; that will further reduce domestic demand and worsen inflation, says a reader from Nanchang, Jiangxi, in his message. How should one curb high house prices? In the view of a reader from Xinxiang, Henan, a variety of measures must be combined to restrict housing speculation and investment; purchase limitations alone won't help much and won't solve the problem. There are also some readers who advise a property tax.

3. 其它延續性熱點食品安全(140條,8%)、反腐倡廉(130條,7.4%)和收入分配(109條,6.2%)也成為讀者關注的熱點。食品安全分項里,7成讀者認為現在的食品讓人沒有"安全感"。反腐方面,大多數讀者認為應建立群眾輿論監督體制,加強對官員的問責制度。收入分配被談得最多的是城鄉收入差距、工資追不上物價、同工不同酬等問題。

Food safety (140 messages, 8%), anti-corruption (130 messages, 7.4%) and income distribution (109 messages, 6.2%) are also among the hot topics, consistent with last year. Among those interested in food safety, 70% say they doubt about the food safety in China. Most of the 130 messages talking about anti-corruption think a surveillance system by the public should be established and officials' accountability should be intensified. As for income distribution, the income gap between rural and urban areas, income chasing after inflation and same work with different pay are mentioned the most.


A reader from Shanghai says that everything can be discussed further before making a decision except for food safety. We should intensify the crackdown on food safety infringements just like dealing with drugs, he says, before a growing number of Chinese people fall ill due to unsafe food years from now.

本次手機問政調查與往年的最大不同之處,在于讀者們不約而同提到環境問題。環保成為最意外的民生熱點"黑馬 "。此外,也有讀者開始關注國人的思想,并認為它與當今社會不良風氣的產生具有相關性。

1. 環境保護環保問題(170條,9.7%)成為此次手機問政的第三大熱點話題,僅次于教育和房價。環保成為熱點既是意料之外,也是意料之中。近期全國各地頻現的霧霾和地下水污染問題,推動了早已進入公眾視線的環保問題一躍成為公眾關注的焦點。關于空氣質量惡化的原因,大多數讀者提到清潔能源比重偏低、燃煤排放、汽車尾氣等原因。

The environment issue (170 messages, 9.7%) is ranked No 3 in the hot topics, only after education and house prices, which is unpredictable but not surprising. Smoggy air and ground water pollution are stimulating people's attention these days. When talking of the reason for air pollution, most mention the low proportion of clean energy usage in China, coal consumption and vehicle emissions.


There are some readers calling for relevant authorities to pay attention to the environmental pollution in rural areas. "Solid waste is everywhere and the water pollution is even worse in the countryside," some messages say. "There are no more rivers as clean and clear as when I was a child," some say.?

2. 國民思想/文化思考國民的思想文化素養(45條,2.6%)首次在手機問政中得到這么多關注。經濟在高速發展,思想層面的東西也不容忽視,因為"國民思想是國家的靈魂",一位福建福州的讀者說道。一位北京讀者也表示,"社會的諸多問題,大部分是因為我們國家人文思潮的偏向"。廣東廣州的一位讀者更是坦言:"當代人普遍'向錢看',也許是時候重塑整個社會的價值觀了"。

Cultural thinking of the whole nation is grabbing a great deal of attention for the first time in the annual survey. With the economy rapidly growing, what the people think should not be neglected, says a reader from Fuzhou, Fujian, who calls national ideology "the soul of a nation." He gets agreement from a Beijing reader, who says in his own message that "many social problems nowadays are the result of a deviation of cultural thought across the country." And according to a reader from Guangzhou, Guangdong, "we are becoming more materialistic and maybe it is time for our whole nation to remodel itself on what we have valued the most."


1. 幸福


If housing problems cannot be solved, how could we be happy?


When talking about elements affecting the happiness index, we should not forget spiritual thoughts.

2. 公平


The 18th National Congress of the CPC says that reform is the greatest dividend. Then let the dividend be distributed to every hardworking Chinese equitably.


When can social securities guarantee fairness among pensioners?

3. 和諧


Only when everyone settles down in a comfortable house that a harmonious and politically stable society can be achieved.


The welfare of rural migrant workers relates to urban development, rural progress and a harmonious society.

4. 老有所依


Mum has the same age as the People's Republic of China. She had been a rural doctor since she was in her early 20s. No relative policies benefit them as they are getting old. It seems impossible for them to have a decent standard of living now.


When talking about the educational history of the People's Republic of China, we should not forget those called "citizenmanaged teachers". Now some of them, failing to become a regular teacher, are in their 60s. Society should give them more care and let them have a decent standard of living.

[學潮詞] 本次調查中,以下話題也被不少讀者提及:

社會保障social security

穩定物價price stability

三農問題rural issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers

藥品安全drug safety

上班族過勞overworked white-collars

大學生村官college students serving as village officials

春運車票train tickets during the Spring Festival travel rush

高速免費free expressway

同性戀問題homosexual problems

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