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Strengthened ties with German businesses boost modernization

By Liang Kaiyan (China Daily) Updated: 2017-12-07 07:35

As a strong manufacturing base in Guangdong province, Foshan has joined hands with German businesses to boost the promotion of bilateral industrial service companies.

The Sino-German Industrial Services Zone was set up in Foshan to serve as a platform to promote German industrial services and improve international exchanges.

In 2012, the Guangdong provincial government listed the services zone as one of six major cooperation platforms and a collaboration project between China and Germany.

"The services zone is a crucial window for the exchanges between companies both in China and Germany," said Guo Wenhai, Party secretary of Shunde district in Foshan.

An important economic hub, he said Foshan provided a huge boost for cooperation between companies from the two countries.

In recent years, Foshan has forged key business links with German companies.

These include the Guangdong Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center set up by Hannover Milano Fairs China Ltd and Shunde district.

Elsewhere, the Robotation Academy in Foshan was founded with its counterpart in Hannover. The Industry 4.0 technology research center was also set up with RWTH Aachen University and has established an intelligent manufacturing industrial park.

In 2016, the services zone took a lead in establishing the Sino-German Industrial City Alliance, which has the aim of enhancing trade communications and business deals between cities in the two countries.

"The alliance plays a role in the dialogue between the Made in China 2025 strategy and the Germany's Industry 4.0 strategy," said Ou Bangmin, deputy secretary of the Foshan city Party committee.

He said the alliance would help to create more opportunities for the industrial development and strengthen cooperation between China and Germany.

Since 2016, the two parties have launched activities under the alliance.

These have involved mutual visits to companies, exhibitions held by the alliance and groups, and the staging of forums and conferences - achieving improved levels of cooperation in the process.

In addition, the alliance has implemented measures to improve information about services and guide companies in their moves to expand into international markets.

It has established a comprehensive information service platform to meet the needs of companies regarding investment, cooperation and purchasing.

It has set up a specialized collaboration council to integrate industry resources and collect information. The council has visited more than 80 German companies.

To date, the services zone has attracted a total of 14 German companies, including Osram, Allianz and Remondis. "There is huge potential for deals between small and medium-sized companies from China and Germany," said Zhu Xixiong, deputy director of the management office of the service zone. "The services zone is expected to realize a win-win outcome for all parties," Zhu added.


Strengthened ties with German businesses boost modernization

Strengthened ties with German businesses boost modernization

(China Daily 12/07/2017 page24)

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