
PARALYMPICS / Paralympic Sports


Updated: 2008-08-29 16:03



Athletes with a minimum disability must be at least 14 years of age and must have the ability to fully extend the arms with no more than a 20-degree loss of full extension on either elbow when making an approved lift according to the rules for their bodyweight.

Men compete in the 48kg, 52kg, 56kg, 60kg, 67.5kg, 75kg, 82.5kg, 90kg, 100kg and +100kg divisions.

Women compete in the 40kg, 44kg, 48kg, 52kg, 56kg, 60kg, 67.5kg, 75kg, 82.5kg and +82.5kg divisions.

In Powerlifting, male and female athletes must assume a position with head, trunk (including buttocks), legs and both heels extended on a specially designed bench and maintain this position during the complete lift. An exception (must be ratified) can be accepted for medical reasons.

The bar is placed horizontally on two supports, adjusted on the left and right of the bench. The lifter may request the help of the spotter/loaders when removing the bar from the racks. After taking or receiving the bar at arms length, the lifter shall wait with locked elbows for the Chief Referee's signal. After receiving the signal "start", the lifter must lower the bar to the chest, hold it motionless (visible) on the chest and then press it upwards, with an even extension of the arms, to arms length with locked elbows. When held motionless in this position the audible signal "rack" shall be given. An immediate decision shall be given by the three nominated international referees through a system of white and red lights.

From the moment the name of the athlete is announced with name, country, attempt and weight on the bar, the competitor has two minutes to complete the attempt. Each athlete has three attempts. If an athlete wishes to make an attempt in order to achieve a record, they can make a fourth attempt. Within a three-minute time limit instead of two.

Three referees assess the success of each attempt by choosing the white or red light. The lifting order within each round will be determined by the lifter's choice of weight for that round and the weights must be a multiple of 2.5kg with the exception of a new record. Between the first and second attempt, and between the second and third attempt, there must be a minimum increase of 2.5kg.

Ground for disqualification includes:

(a) Athletes not raising the bar upwards to full extension of the arms

(b) Athletes not making a synchronized move

(c) Athletes not maintaining the bar motionless on the chest

(d) Athletes not completing the attempt within the time limit

(e) Any change in the elected position on the bench during the lift

(f) Heaving, bouncing or sinking the bar after it has been motionless on the chest

(g) Any downward movement of the bar in the course of being pressed out

(h) Any contact with the bar by the spotter/loaders between the Referee's signals

(i) Failure to observe the referee's signals at the commencement or completion

(j) Failure to comply with the requirements of the general description of the lift

(Credit: IPC. Click here for further information.)

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