Recently, Moheng town has been named as National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Site by Ministry of Agriculture and National Tourism Administration jointly, which is the first one in Pu’er city.
Excellent traffic locations, unique resources, beautiful natural environment in Moheng town all provided excellent conditions for the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism.
As an emerging industry, Leisure agriculture and rural tourism industry promotes the quality and efficiency of agriculture, increases farmers’ income and stimulates domestic tourism consumption.
Up to now, 186 towns in China have been named as National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Town, so as 483 National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration sites. Yunnan province now homes to six National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Towns and 16 National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration sites.
Copyright ?2014 City of Pu'er, Yunnan Province, China. All rights Reserveed.
Contact: Tel: 86-0879-2189875