
SPC urges strong judicial guarantee for Yellow River basin's ecological protection, high-quality development

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2020-09-21

Tao Kaiyuan, vice-president of the Supreme People's Court, stressed to build a judicial mechanism for environmental resource adjudication in the Yellow River basin so as to provide stronger judicial service and guarantee for the region’s ecological protection and high-level development.

She made the remarks at a work promotion meeting on environmental resources adjudication in the Yellow River basin held by the SPC on Sept 18 in Dongying, East China's Shandong province. A framework agreement on coordinating ecological environmental resources adjudication among high people's courts in nine provincial regions along the river was signed at the meeting. 

Courts at all levels should implement the guideline on judicial protection of the environment and development of the Yellow River basin issued on June 5 and the layout plan for the region's ecological protection and high-level development, Tao said.

She stressed that courts should strengthen judicial philosophy to promote the protection and restoration of ecological environment and the rational exploitation and use of natural resources in the basin.

By playing their judicial role to tackle those prominent ecological problems of great public concern so as to build a solid ecological safety barrier, courts should also understand the Yellow River's specific differences from others and coordinate the development of the basin to achieve all-round economic development, social progress and ecological optimization, Tao added.

She also required the courts to enhance capabilities and use judicial coordination efficiency to promote the basin's management system, stating that efforts should be made to improve judicial organizations, forge professional trial teams and explore building an environmental resources adjudication mechanism for the Yellow River basin.