
Anti-Domestic Violence Law

By Jiang Xingguang (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated : 2016-12-17

China's first anti-domestic violence law came into force on March 1, bringing domestic violence under legal supervision so that people may freely say "no" to it.

The new law provides categories of domestic violence, and addresses their prevention and disposition. Violence involving cohabitation, up-bringing of children and domestic employment are all covered by the new law.

Nearly one-fourth of married Chinese women have experienced domestic violence, according to the All-China Women's Federation.

The legislation has been hailed as a milestone in the movement to protect women from physical and psychological abuse at home.

Legal experts say the law is designed to protect the rights of women and children within the family and to prevent domestic violence from being tacitly condoned by being considered an internal family problem rather than a social issue.

And it’s not only for women. On December 3, Beijing issued the first personal protection order to a man who claimed to have been a victim of domestic violence for more than half a year.