

Qiao Zhiyong-Founder of Dadetong Bank

( cntv.cn )

Updated: 2012-08-03

Master of Qiao's compound in Qi county, Shanxi province. He has taken his family business as a young man, due to his extrodinary talent, his family business has flourished day by day ever since.Qiao family soon became the largest and richest in Shanxi.

Qiao Zhiyong-Founder of Dadetong Bank

In the beginning, Qiao Zhiyong set up Dadexing mainly involved in tea business, it later also run remittance business, having seen the great potential, Qiao made it the main business and turnned it into a bank and changed its name to Dadetong.

Having gone through the Taiping rebellion and second Opium War, the government has run out of money. The millitary expenditure burdened the government even more. Government officials finally came up with an idea, to loan money from private banks. This was seen as a good oppotunity by Qiao who later presented the money with respect to government without any hesitation. With wealthy family of Qiao as a backing, the government overcome this hard time smoothly.

Thanks to Qiao's contribution to the government at critical times, Qiao's family started to enjoy a good relationship with the government officials that helps Qiao family's business a lot later on.