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Guyi Garden in Jiading district was one of the first six city parks in Shanghai to reopen to the public as the COVID-19 epidemic subsides.Read more

A total of 23 educational bases in Jiading, including six at the municipal-level, have become main fronts for spreading the spirit of patriotism.Read more

The new North Jiading Country Park in Jiading district of Shanghai integrates farmland, villages, forests, rivers, and roads, showing visitors the beauty and charm of rural landscape.Read more

In Jiading, a district of Shanghai, no fewer than 38 private museums and galleries have sprung up in recent years.Read more

Shanghai's Jiading district is home to 38 private museums and art galleries, according to data from local culture department.Read more

A list of travel agencies in Jiading district of Shanghai.Read more

Wintersweet flowers are now in full blossom in a wintersweet park in Waigang town, Shanghai's Jiading district.Read more

This year has witnessed the 3rd Shanghai Lotus Festival held in Guyi Garden.Read more

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Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.