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Jiading hosts bronze ware exhibition

( chinadaily.com.cn ) 2014-09-10

The museum has invited Ma Jinhong, a bronze ware expert, to give a lecture entitled “Bronze Ware and the Life of Aristocrats in the Western Zhou Dynasty” during the exhibition.

Jiading hosts bronze ware exhibition

Poster of the lecture – Bronze Ware and Life of Aristocrats in the Western Zhou Dynasty [Photo/jiading.gov.cn]

It will also organize DIY activities for children on Saturdays and Sundays, so that they can make bronze ware models by themselves.

As an integral part of Chinese cultural, bronze ware is a combination of many art forms including smelting, casting, sculpture, painting and calligraphy. It has reflected the development of Chinese ancient civilization and is of great historical and artistic value.

MAIL TO DISTRICT CHIEFjiading@jiading.gov.cn


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