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Shanghai district moving ahead with smart city construction

( chinadaily.com.cn ) 2013-12-26

The Jiading district of Shanghai has a cooperation deal with China Mobile to cover much of the district with 4G Wi-Fi service as one part of its “Smart City” 4G–technology-based development plan, with the other parts covering administration, transport, community services, medical care, and education.

By next April, it is expected to have 113 LTE base stations up and running, for the first phase, supplying Jiading’s old urban areas and the Juyuan New Area.

The second phase should add 65 more, with greater coverage, starting in the second half of next year.

Major communities, the CBD, and industrial parks are expected to be covered by the network by 2015.

Edited by Lin Hong and Roger Bradshaw

MAIL TO DISTRICT CHIEFjiading@jiading.gov.cn


Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

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