加拿大蒙特利爾一位77歲的老人在2009年中了總額達1690萬美元的樂透大獎,可是這一幸運事件卻在接下來的幾年中帶給了他更多的不幸。他中獎幾個月后,他的妻子離開了他。 他把獎金的一大部分給了自己的兒子,兒子和兒媳拿到錢后在家里修了個大泳池,可就在泳池修好后不久,兒媳就溺亡池中。老人從獎金中拿出500萬為鄰居購置房屋、汽車等資產,兒子得知后不悅,便將這幾位鄰居告上了法庭。而就在最近,老人的兒子在過馬路的時候被一輛吉普車撞死了。現在,這位老人只能住在養老院里,據說開始有些神志不清了。
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The 77-year-old Montreal man won $16.9 million in Canada's Lotto 6/49 in 2009, but his life since has been mired with lawsuits and untimely deaths in his family |
For lottery winner Lucien Nault, it might have been better to have no luck at all.
The 77-year-old Montreal man won $16.9 million in Canada's Lotto 6/49 in 2009, but his life since has been mired with lawsuits and untimely deaths in his family, the Sun News reports.
Nault recently learned that his son Daniel was struck and killed by a Jeep as he crossed a street near his home in Montreal to retrieve his dog.
Daniel Nault was returning from the Gaspe region of the country, where he recently buried his wife (and Lucien's daughter-in-law), Therese Rehel, according to the Sun News.
Rehel died when she drowned at home in a new, lavish pool built with proceeds from Lucien's winnings.
The couple dined with friends at their favorite steak house to celebrate the opening of the pool, which took all summer to build, a few days before Rehel was found dead in the water.
Nault had given his son a huge cut of the lottery winnings, but Daniel became upset when his father apparently gave away another $5 million to neighbors. Daniel sued four of them, alleging that one manipulated his father into buying her a house, a car and other items.
Besides that, Nault's wife left him a few months after he won big in the lottery, the Canadian newspaper reports.
Roger Thibodeau, a brother-in-law of Lucien Nault's ex-wife, is also named in Daniel Nault's $1.3 million lawsuit.
And according to the paper, Nault is now in a seniors home, with "his mind apparently fading."
Seems winning a lot of money isn't always a blessing. In the case of Lucien Nault, it's almost a curse.
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen )