
Easy Talk: Forbidden City less forbidden in foreign eyes


Updated: 2016-12-26

As the world's biggest palace complex, the Palace Museum sits at the top of every sightseer's list of must-see attractions when they visit the country's capital. To foreigners, whose interpretation of Chinese culture is inextricably interwoven with their innate cultural gene, what do they think about all the innovative endeavors the Palace Museum has taken? And in an internet era when all the traditional establishments are struggling to address the concerns brought about by modernity, how should the museums which used to function as repositories of historical objects transform themselves to be more accessible to the general public?

Guests: Brian Salter, Ian Callison, Judith Huang, Adam Hegarty, Elona Neal

Camera: Cong Ruiting & Zhang Guangteng

Editing: Yu Xiaoou

Subtitles: Xu Xin (Intern)

Producer: Hu Zhe

Executive Producer: Feng Minghui

About Easy Talk:
Easy Talk is a talk show program covering the latest living-related issues in today's China. Foreigners living in China are invited to share their life experiences and observations on a variety of light topics. The discussions revolve around the cultural differences that exist between China and other countries, covering various aspects and the implications they have on China's cultural exchange with the world.

Easy Talk: Forbidden City less forbidden in foreign eyes

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SAFEA is responsible for certifying foreign experts to work in the Chinese mainland and organizing overseas training for Chinese technical and managerial professionals.


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