Population, Living Conditions and Social Security
Updated: 2013-04-27
At the end of the year, Qingdao's total registered population was 7,695,600, up 0.42%. Of the total, 3,639,000 represent the population of the Greater Qingdao regions, up 0.13%. New births in 2012 totaled 74,910, a birth rate of 9.75‰. The number of deceased persons totaled 62,830, a percentage rate of 8.18‰. The population natural growth rate was 1.57‰.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents was RMB 32,145, up 12.5%. The per capita consumption expense of urban residents was RMB 28,924, up 14.3%. By dividing urban residents in five equal income groups, the per capita disposable income of the low income group was RMB 15,753; the per capita disposable income of lower middle income group was RMB 22,558; the per capita disposable income of the middle income group was RMB 28,974; the per capita disposable income of the upper middle group was RMB 61,840. The Engel Coefficient for urban areas was 36.5%. The wages of employees in Qingdao averaged RMB 37,399, an increase of 14.2%. The wages of employees employed by non-private organizations in urban areas averaged RMB 49,052, up 13.9%.

The averaged net income among farmers was RMB 13,990, up 13.1%; per capita consumption expense was RMB 8,653, up 12.9%. The median of the per capita net income of rural residents was RMB 12,587, up 12.4%. By dividing rural residents in five equal income groups, the per capita net income of the low income group was RMB 5,528; the per capita net income of the lower middle income group was RMB 9,511; the per capita net income of the middle income group was RMB 12,426; the per capita net income of the upper middle income group was RMB 16,705; the per capita net income of the high income group was RMB 28,895. The Engel Coefficient for rural areas was 36.2%.

At the end of 2012, the number of people employed in Qingdao was 2,832,000, up 2.7%. At year-end, the registered urban unemployment rate was 2.93%, down 0.02 percentage points.
The number of people covered under the basic pension program was 2,202,400, people who participated in the unemployment insurance program numbered 1,641,500, and people who received payment from the unemployment insurance program numbered 62,100. In 2012, the coverage of the new rural cooperative medical care program in Qingdao reached 100%.
Nursing homes registered 31,503 beds with 18,102 residents.
1. Figures reported herein are preliminary statistics.
2. The total production value and the absolute added value of the industries in Qingdao were calculated at comparable prices.
3. The statistics starting point for industries above the designated size is RMB 20,000,000 in terms of annual operating revenue. The statistics starting points for fixed asset investment projects is 5,000,000 in terms of total planned investment amount.
4. According to the national planning, the statistic emerging industries refer to the seven industries or sectors including energy conservation and environmental protection, the new generation of information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new material and new vehicles. At present, the strategic emerging industries being monitored for statistics in Qingdao cover 6 sectors, namely, energy conservation and environmental protection, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and the new generation of information technology.
5. The term of employees means the people who are employed and paid salaries by their employer(s) and those who have a work post or position in the working unit, but are not on job due to training, sick leave, injury leave, maternity leave or other reasons, and are still paid salaries by their employer(s).
Employees' wage means the amount of labor remuneration paid at a certain time to employees by their employers.
Labor remunerations and other pays paid to employees by their employers according to relevant regulations, whether or not included in the cost, whether or not included in the assessment of bonus taxes, and whether paid in cash or in kind, are included in the payroll.
Employers in Qingdao are of such ownership types as the state-owned, collectively-owned, joint operation, shareholding, wholly-foreign-owned, privately-owned and investment by foreign business people and by compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
6. The median of per capita income of residents in rural and urban areas means the per capita income of the surveyed residents at the middle of the per capita income levels of the surveyed residents which are arranged in the order from low to high. The five equal income groups of rural and urban residents refer to the surveyed residents are arranged with per capita income levels arranged in the order from low to high, divided into five equal parts; the 20% income group in the highest is the high income group, and following form the top to bottom are the upper middle income group, middle income group, lower middle income group and low income group.
7. The data of the built-up area, water supply, heating, gas supply, tree planning, greening, road, park, zoo, etc. are provided by Qingdao Rural and Urban Construction Commission. The statistics include the data of the newly-divided six districts of Qingdao City with the former Jiaonan city only including 6 sub-districts, namely Zhuhai, Zhushan, Binhai, Tieshan, Lingshan and Yinzhu.