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Big data, rights protection benefits flow in both directions

By Zhang Zhao ( China Daily )

Updated: 2016-06-15

The emerging internet and big data businesses need intellectual property protection, and IP protection and use will in turn benefit from those technologies, according to industry insiders.

"From the technical perspective, big data is part of the information industry, and is highly dependent on innovation and IP protection," said Ni Guangnan, a researcher at the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

China must improve its abilities in IP protection and use to promote innovation in the big data business, Ni said at the China Big Data Industry Summit that ran from May 25 to 29 in Guiyang, Guizhou province.

Experts also called for commercialization of big data technologies to upgrade traditional industries.

"The international competition in technologies and industries is competition in intellectual property. That is especially true for IT sectors such as big data," Ni said. "It requires increasing attention to IP protection and use to make big data a new economic growth point."

Lin Runhua, secretary-general of the Big Data Expert Committee of China, said the big data business in China is currently at the stage of initial development, but "will play an important role in many sectors in the long term", including energy, financing, healthcare, manufacturing and geographical information.

The summit's host city Guiyang has been approved to build a national center for the big data industry. The business generated revenue of more than 90 billion yuan ($13.6 billion) last year, accounting for 31 percent of the city's GDP.

The Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System, a domestically developed weather forecasting system, started operation on June 1. Thanks to big data technologies, the system boasts twice the processing capacity of traditional methods. It also enables China to have almost the same capability to forecast regional short-term rain as the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, said researchers from the system's research and development team at the China Meteorological Administration.

An exhibition was held during the summit, showcasing more than 1,000 projects from more than 300 international companies that use big data technologies.

Big data, rights protection benefits flow in both directions

Cunnar.com, an online data service platform developed by Meiya Pico Co Ltd, a company in Xiamen, Fujian province, provides evidence solutions for IP right owners when disputes happen.

When companies encounters online IP infringement, they can use the system to save the infringing web page, in case the page is later erased or modified. It also allows clients to use an app on their smartphones to take photos, video and audio recordings, and upload them to cloud storage as evidence.

The system uses advanced cipher algorithms to make sure the uploaded information is unaltered.

Authors can also use the system to upload their original works and timestamp technologies will show when the works were uploaded and by whom.

China's e-commerce giant Alibaba has used big data technologies to deal with counterfeits on its online shops.

"Every deal and every faked goods seller is traceable on e-commerce platforms," said Shao Xiaofeng, the company's chief risk officer. "The internet can be a powerful weapon against counterfeiting."

Alibaba has developed a big data-based system that integrates image recognition, cross analysis and smart data tracing technologies to detect counterfeits.

A report released by the company in April said the system blocked more than 120 million counterfeit goods from its online shopping portal taobao.com in 2015.


Big data, rights protection benefits flow in both directions 

Media members tour China Mobile’s big data center in Guiyang on May 20. Cheng Wen / For China Daily

(China Daily 06/15/2016 page16)

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