
Home> Kiteboarding in Pingtan

Pingtan kitesurfer optimistic despite losing2014-10-30

Although missing out on the title of woman’s TT (twin tip) racing course in the 2014 Pingtan International Kiteboarding World Cup, Chen Jingle was able to keep her dismay at bay.

Day 5 - Title and Wins in Pingtan2014-10-29

Day five of the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup dealt heavy conditions suitable for the epic battles that would ensue.

Day 4 - Title Race Continues and Singles Wrap2014-10-28

Youri Zoon (NL) and Gisela Pulido (ES) earn the top podium spots in the freestyle single elimination on day four of the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup.

Day 3 - Lay Day for the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup2014-10-27

Day three of the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup came up short on wind as the forecast had predicted resulting in a lay day for the competition.

Day 2 -Lake (US) and Roose (NL) Lead the Slalom2014-10-26

Exciting slalom action highlighted Day 2 of the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup.

Day 1- Racing Starts the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup2014-10-25

The first day of the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup got underway today in side-onshore wind that was ideal for the start of the twin-tip course racing discipline.

Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup kicks off2014-10-25

More than 100 kitesurfers representing 23 countries and regions took part in the 2014 Kiteboarding World Cup held in Pingtan on Oct 24.

Kitesurfers gear up for World Cup Pingtan leg2014-10-22

Some 10 athletes from overseas have arrived in Pingtan preparing for the Pingtan stop of the Kiteboarding World Cup, Pingtan Times reported on Oct 22.