Founded in Beijing in November 2002 by Asia's most successful entrepreneur Mr. Li Ka-shing, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business is China's first private, non-profit, and independent business school.
The Cheung Kong GSB mission is to generate world-class insight on management theory and practice, and to develop world-class business leaders for China and beyond.
Headquartered in Beijing with campuses in Shanghai and Guangzhou, Cheung Kong GSB offers MBA, EMBA, and Executive Education Programs. The MBA and EMBA Programs are sanctioned by the Ministry of Education and the State Council of China.
A global leader in business education innovation, Cheung Kong GSB is a new generation business school for a new generation of business leaders.
Future-Oriented with Unrivalled Knowledge about China
How to compete and collaborate in the China market constitutes a key to the future global success for many corporations. Despite this fact, the body of knowledge on the dynamics of competition and collaboration in China remains rudimentary. Cheung Kong GSB provides global leadership in knowledge generation and insights on:
? The dynamics of competition and collaboration in China among state-owned enterprises, private(family-held) businesses, and Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
?? The global ramifications of the rise of China and Chinese companies
?? The globalization strategy of Chinese companies
? How MNCs best integrate their China project into their global play
Cheung Kong GSB insights enable both MNCs and indigenous Chinese companies to achieve seamless business integration of China with the world. The unique Cheung Kong GSB knowledge base makes us complementary with top business schools around the globe, and enables Cheung Kong GSB to recruit top business leaders from China's most elite and respected companies. Focused on original research, Cheung Kong GSB leapfrogs the typical "teaching factory'" or "copy-cat" model adopted by many business schools in the region.
World Class Faculty and Global Perspective
Cheung Kong GSB is the only business school in China able to attract top faculty with experience teaching at schools such as Wharton, Stanford, NYU, and INSEAD. In addition, the majority of Cheung Kong GSB faculty members are Chinese, enjoying a home-field advantage in researching and generating world class insight on China business. The Cheung Kong GSB faculty forms the soul of the School, ensures the School's global perspective, and sets Cheung Kong GSB apart from other schools in China.
Innovative Programs for Business Leaders
The business school of choice for prominent business leaders, Cheung Kong GSB designs path-breaking programs in executive education. The China CEO Program, conducted with INSEAD, Columbia, and Wharton, brings together a prestigious list of Chinese executives. Korean and Indian CEO Programs bring top Korean and Indian executives to China to round out the Cheung Kong CEO Series.
Bringing the Humanities into the Business School Curriculum
Cheung Kong GSB takes a holistic approach to business education, leading out in the integration of the Humanities directly into the business school curriculum. We teach history and religion in an effort to nurture future business leaders with "heart and soul" who are able to leverage knowledge and managerial talent at the global level. The Cheung Kong GSB curriculum includes a human dimension that helps future business leaders to live enriched lives.
A Research-Oriented Faculty
A world-class, research-oriented China-resident faculty sets Cheung Kong GSB apart from other schools in China. Cheung Kong GSB provides generous support for research by recognized scholars from the world's top business schools with proven track records in research and teaching. Cheung Kong GSB faculty members live and work in China, conducting on-the-ground research in China and beyond.
?Cheung Kong GSB is a faculty-governed business school. Faculty-governance, an established "best practice" found at nearly all top business schools, is still not commonly accepted practice in China. Leading out in faculty governance, however, ensures an environment conducive to teaching and research, while enabling the School to recruit world-class scholars to China.
Free from "Profitability Pressure"
Generous support from the Li Ka-shing Foundation ensures that Cheung Kong GSB has the financial resources to pursue long-term and healthy development without? financial pressures. Given its strong backing, Cheung Kong GSB enjoys first-tier facilities and invests heavily in research.
A Place for Friends
The human dimension is a unique aspect of Cheung Kong GSB culture. The race to get ahead in China and across the world can easily become a stampede where people lose sight of the human picture. Cheung Kong GSB curriculum incorporates the Humanities and discussion of world religions, values, and quality of life. All this makes Cheung Kong GSB a place for friends, and a place to find people you enjoy spending time with.
Greater China's Most Powerful Alumni Business Network
The unique Cheung Kong GSB culture and all-around excellence in MBA, EMBA, and Executive Education Programs has nurtured the formation of greater China's most powerful alumni business network. Program participants form a Who's Who for business in China, including established veterans such as Fu Chengyu, president of?China National Offshore Oil Corporation, and new economy stars such as Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba, and Jason Jiang, chairman of Focus Media.
長江商學院是由李嘉誠(海外)基金會捐資創辦并獲得國家正式批準,擁有獨立法人資格的非贏利性教育機構,為國際管理教育協會(AACSB)和歐洲管理發展基 金會(EFMD)成員,是國務院學位委員會批準的“工商管理碩士授予單位”(含EMBA和MBA),其目標是在十年內進入世界十強商學院之列。長江商學院 成立以來,一直以“為中國企業培養一批具有世界水平的企業家”為己任,并致力于創建全球新一代商學院。
長江商學院的誕生,旨在把握中國經濟持續快速增長的大好機遇,通過“取勢、明道、優術” 的戰略選擇和“中西貫通”的辦學理念,為中國打造一個享譽全球的世界級商學院。學院通過吸引一批國際一流管理學教授常駐長江、扎根中國,促進西方管理學最 新的研究成果與中國本土最新的管理實踐相結合,從而為大中華地區造就一大批世界級商界領袖,并為中國企業進軍世界提供新思維、新視野和新對策。
學院現有MBA、EMBA、高層管理教育三個項目。其中MBA項目以“為大中華地區培養未來杰出的商業領袖”為目標,為全日制英文授課的綜合管理課 程,其入學標準居全亞洲所有商學院之首。長江MBA具有世界一流的師資力量、重點突出的課程設計、強大的同學凝聚力、個性化的職業服務等獨特優勢。目前, 長江MBA已成為國內70多家商學院中平均起薪最高的商學院之一。超過45%的長江MBA學生有機會前往歐美著名商學院交換學習。
EMBA項目旨在為中國最受尊敬企業的高層管理人員提供世界一流的系統管理教育,目標是為中國的企業培養一批世界級的工商帥才,從 2002年11月至2008年11月,已招收十三期2000余位精英學員。長江商學院的差異化戰略造就了EMBA項目的獨特優勢:如極具震撼力的原創性思想;針對中國企業潛心開發的創新課程;高端國際商務考察項目;終身校友網絡等。長江EMBA學員均來自中國及世界知名公司,其中80%擔任副總裁及以上的 核心管理職位,無論從地理分布、行業分布還是公司類別等方面,都呈現出多元化、高層面的特點。
高層管理教育致力于成為志在超越成功的組織及其高層管理者最有價值的學習伙伴,設計開發了一系列創新、獨特、實用的高層管理教育課程,如與歐美頂級 商學院合作的“中國企業CEO課程”、“超越成功系列”課程、“后EMBA課程”、創業課程、傳媒課程及針對公司特定需求而量身定制的“公司特設課程” 等,力求以差異化的課程為客戶創造具有突破性的管理新思維。
2006年長江商學院率先在全球管理教育界引入人文課程,成為全球第一家率先提出培養企業家“人文精神”的商學院。長江商學院為此特別成立人文委員 會,由世界級新儒學大師杜維明教授擔綱主任,并力邀聯合國“文明對話”五人組成員加入,系統介紹儒學、希臘哲學、佛學、基督教、伊斯蘭教等軸心文明。長江 期望為中國培養一批具備國際競爭力和人文精神的商界領袖參與全球競爭,為中國商業社會的發展貢獻人文精神的火種。