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DRC holds academic salon

The Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC) opened its 2nd academic salon for 2014, on March 12, with three Chinese experts from the field of finance on hand to share their experiences in the scientific management of investment and financial services.

DRC holds academic salon

One of them, the GM of Tianhong Fund, Guo Shuqiang, put forth key points in investment strategies for fixed income funds and an analysis of investment types during different phases of a macro business cycle, while another, Xie Sheng, a vice-GM of Invesco Great Wall, explained five steps in selecting suitable funds and analyzed methods for picking a professional fund manager by giving some detailed cases.

DRC holds academic salon

Wang Xing, the GM of the China Nature Asset Management Co, told the listeners more about the fund information business and related products and gave some suggestions on real financial solution selections.

All three of these specialists established a good rapport with the audience and answered their questions in a thoughtful way.