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Foreign TV hosts offer fresh views of Anhui

[2017-09-11 07:48]

Anhui province launched a 15-minute weekly TV program on Friday in which two foreigners tour the region and tell viewers about what they see.

Vontron to use new water tech for profit

[2017-09-11 07:48]

Guiyang, Guizhou-based Vontron Co Ltd, a Chinese manufacturer of membrane-based water treatment equipment, is preparing to tap the ultrafiltration segment, having tasted success so far in the reverse osmosis process.

Demographic cloud has a 'silver lining'

[2017-09-11 07:45]

The booming "silver generation" of China-people aged 65 or above-presents potentially huge opportunities for the insurance industry.

Digital dividend to boost economy

[2017-09-11 07:40]

Over the past four decades, China has gone from being a low-wage supplier to one of the three most important links in the global value chain, alongside the United States and Germany. Despite growing concerns about China's corporate debt and its ability to escape the middle-income trap, rapid digitization will allow the Chinese economy to continue moving up the value chain.

Anti-dumping probes not to counter US move

[2017-09-11 07:40]

China has been holding aloft the banner of free trade and criticizing the rising trade protectionism trend in some economies

Diseased dead pigs from 2013 dug up

[2017-09-11 07:39]

The city government of Huzhou, Zhejiang province, confirmed on Sunday that investigators have dug out the remains of hundreds, and possibly thousands, of rotting carcasses of diseased pigs from three burial sites.

Powering ahead against odds

[2017-09-11 07:38]

Garvin Liu leads Westinghouse's efforts to sustain AP1000, a key nuclear technology, in China.

Ideal maternity leave: Neither short nor too long

[2017-09-11 07:36]

Recent years have seen local authorities revising the population and family planning regulations as well as woman employees' labor protection regulations.

Japan-India plan should add to China's initiative, not challenge it

[2017-09-11 07:32]

Japanese government offices have requested a record budget of $913 billion for fiscal 2018, with the Foreign Ministry seeking a bigger sum for the country's official development assistance, or ODA.

Steaming ahead with tech-driven education

[2017-09-11 07:32]

Makeblock Co Ltd, a Shenzhen-based robotics company, well known among students and educators for its educational devices for children, plans to strengthen its presence in key overseas markets.

Better management needed to improve bike-sharing service

[2017-09-11 07:27]

ON THURSDAY, Beijing's transportation management authorities called a halt to new station-less, hire-on-demand "shared" bikes in the city, where some 2.35 million such bikes are being run by 15 companies.

Staff speaking the truth good for firms

[2017-09-11 07:27]

IN A LETTER TO HIS EMPLOYEES, Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei Technologies Co, said he has promoted a staff member who reported the misconducts of his supervisor, in order to encourage all employees to speak the "truth".

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