[ 2007-01-24 09:00 ]
新年伊始,一項最新人口發展戰略研究報告給我們敲響了警鐘 —— 由于出生人口性別比例嚴重失調,到2020年中國光棍將達至3000萬。“亡羊補牢為時未晚”,日前,政府決定將對非法墮胎者予以嚴懲。
請看《中國日報》相關報道:Chinese authorities have vowed to take tough measures to controlfetal gender testingandsex-selective abortionsto check the rising sex-ratio imbalance.
People who illegally test the gender of fetuses and perform sex-selective abortions face serious punishment," said a statement jointly issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.
報道中的“fetal gender testing”和“sex-selective abortion”分別指“胎兒性別鑒定”和“選擇性墮胎”。