endowment insurance : 養老保險
endowment insurance: 養老保險
[ 2005-12-15 10:33 ]
報道如下:China's State Council, or cabinet, has decided to improve the basicendowment insurancesystem for enterprise employees around the country, stressing the necessity of paying the pension on time and in full.
“養老保險”在中國人的心目中已經變得越來越重要,endowment insurance就是養老保險,pension是“養老金”。報道中的basic endowment insurance system指的就是“基本養老保險制度”。
在找工作時,出現最頻繁的字眼就是“三險一金”,這個名詞在很多人的心目中已經超過了工資待遇。三險是指醫療保險,養老保險和失業保險,一金指的是住房公積金。英語中則用medical care insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, house accumulation fund來表達。