9月8日 至 9月9日,上海東方藝術中心?歌劇廳
編舞家:克里斯多弗?布魯斯(Christopher Bruce)
隨著大提琴名家馬友友與“人聲天王”麥克菲林(Bobby McFerrin)的音樂,「噓,安靜!」以輕快詼諧的肢體語言,勾勒出家庭的和樂風景。編舞家克利斯朵夫克里斯多弗?布魯斯(Christopher Bruce)是當今英國數一數二的編舞大師,本作榮獲2009年「年度最佳現代舞作」評論大獎,其間傳達的快活開懷,將令你的足尖隨著起舞。
編舞家:提姆?羅什頓(Tim Rushton)
現任丹麥舞蹈劇院藝術總監的英國編舞家提姆?羅什頓(Tim Rushton),從神秘力量籠罩的人造場域擷取靈感,配合拉脫維亞作曲家彼得里斯?瓦斯思斯(Peteris Vasks)充滿膽識的音樂,勾勒出的異質風景,令該作品為2011年愛丁堡藝術節的話題之作。
L’apres-midi d’un Faune|牧神午后
編舞家: 尼金斯基 (Vaslav Nijinsky)
尼金斯基對德彪西「牧神午后」的詮釋,已成舞蹈史上的重要里程碑。這部僅十來分鐘的作品花了編舞大師尼仁斯基花了2年的時間,120次彩排才得以完成。 100年的巴黎,蘭伯特舞蹈團創始人瑪麗?蘭伯特參與了該作的編舞,并見證了狄亞格烈夫(Serge Diaghilev)的俄羅斯芭蕾舞團(Ballets Russes)的轟動首演,深受影響。自此傳承,蘭伯特舞團可算得上是最能重現本作原汁原味的團體。
What Wild Ecstasy|摩登牧神的現代午后
編舞家:馬克?博得溫(Mark Baldwin)
如果牧神和七女妖在二十一世紀的某個午后相遇,會是何種光景?蘭伯特藝術總監馬克?博得溫(Mark Baldwin)與作曲家蓋文?希金(Gavin Higgins) 聯手,以現代手法重釋經典,讓酸屋音樂(Acid House)與古典齊鳴,加上鮮艷特出的服裝、狂放不羈的肢體,與大膽咋舌的設計,替摩登牧神營造出一個爆炸性的現代午后!
編舞家:保羅?泰勒 (Paul Taylor)
蘭伯特舞團是少數獲準演出美國名家保羅?泰勒 (Paul Taylor) 作品的舞團。泰勒的作品總能在表達肢體的純粹美感外,另帶一分美式的詼諧幽默。「玫瑰」始創于1985年,隨著瓦格納《齊格弗里德牧歌》與浪漫派長笛名家博曼(Heinrich Baemann)的慢板,舞出對愛的禮贊。
Rambert Dance Company
When: 8 to 9 September 2012,19:15
Venue: Shanghai Oriental Art Centre
Rambert Dance Company thrives on its unique ability to share with audiences the widest range of repertoire: works from its rich heritage as the UK’s oldest dance company; new works and re-stagings by choreographers from all over the world, and landmark dance from the 20th century. Bold, risk-taking, agile and beautiful, Rambert is also renowned for its use of live music and is the only UK-based contemporary dance company always to tour with its own orchestra.
Christopher Bruce, one of Britain’s best-loved choreographers, revives Hush, a light-hearted and affectionate celebration of family life. Critically acclaimed in America and the UK and set to music by Bobby McFerrin and Yo-Yo Ma, this brilliant 2006 creation lifts your spirits and makes your toes tap.
Created by Tim Rushton, artistic director of Danish Dance Theatre, Monolith is inspired by mystical energies which haunt sites of man-made gathering places. It is set against the rhythms of Pēteris Vasks’ gutsy score.
L’après-midi d’un Faune
Inspired by Debussy’s languorous and shimmering score and considered to be one of the first modern ballets, L’ Après-midi d’un faune, created for Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, caused a furore at its first performance 100 years ago. The Rambert version of Vaslav Nijinsky’s ballet is revived for the first time in almost 30 years.
What Wild Ecstasy
Celebrating the centenary of Nijinsky's iconic ballet L'Après-midi d'un faune, artistic director Mark Baldwin presents his modern-day take, What Wild Ecstasy. This colourful and athletic dance work is set to a pulsing and feral score, commissioned as part of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad and by Gavin Higgins – a remarkable young composer who was Rambert's first Music Fellow.
Choreographed by Paul Taylor, Roses is serene, flowing and unexpected. Set to music by Richard Wagner, it is a gorgeous tribute to love and romance.
(來源:英國使館文化教育處,編輯 Helen)