Cheese Festival 倫敦的奶酪節
Cheese Festival 倫敦的奶酪節
The script of this programme 本節目臺詞
Wang Fei: 大家好,歡迎收聽《都市掠影》節目,我是王飛。英國人的生活中離不開奶酪 Cheese. 我今天在泰晤士河南岸的奶酪節上就驗證了這句話。我們聽一聽英國人是怎么說奶酪和他們生活的關系的?聽的時候請注意兩個短語 "the cream of the crop" 和 "the icing on the cake" 是什么意思?
Wang Fei: Is cheese important in your life?
Man: Cheese, cheese, I love cheese! (laughs)… I like putting a layer of cheese in my sandwiches …
Woman: A little bit of salmon maybe?!
Man: Yeah!
Wang Fei: So, it’s important in British people’s life?
Woman: Yeah, I think cheese is, very… I think cheese and cream – all the kind of butter fat, traditionally were the… you know, the best part of the meal. You’d have your bread and you’d have whatever… and the cheese would be the cream of the crop! You know – the icing on the cake. And it still is – I mean, what’s better than a cheese sandwich?!
In a meal the cheese would be the cream of the crop, the icing on the cake!
A visitor to the festival
Wang Fei: 剛才說話的女孩一說起 cheese 來就眉飛色舞。她說 cheese is the best part of the meal. 奶酪是飯菜中最好的一部分。The cream of the crop, 精華中的精華,the icing on the cake 蛋糕上的糖霜,也就是錦上添花的好東西。What's better than a cheese sandwich? 有什么東西能比奶酪三明治更好呢?!聽一聽這些話,就知道英國人是多么愛吃 cheese 了。下面的一位被采訪者也對 cheese 情有獨鐘。我們聽一聽他喜歡 cheese 的理由。
Man: England is about cheese, you must have cheese in your life. When I was at school I was very short, and then when I was 13 I discovered cheese and I went and became one of the tallest in the school.
England is about cheese, you must have cheese in your life.
A visitor to the festival
Wang Fei: 他說他小的時候吃了很多 cheese, 于是他就長高了。雖然有點夸張,但是說明了 cheese 營養確實非常豐富。 在奶酪節上,各種各樣的 cheese 讓人眼花繚亂。我們聽一聽一位攤主賣什么樣的 cheese?
Man: Oh, we sell loads of different types of cheese. We sell French and mainly British cheeses. Er… got, like, blue cheese, cheddars, erm…goat’s cheese. Erm…and we’re doing the raclette here as well today, which is melted raclette. Earlier, we was doing it onto, like, potatoes, and people really enjoyed it today.
Wang Fei: 對!他提到了 blue cheese, 藍紋奶酪,cheddar cheese, 也就是英國最常見的車達奶酪,還有 goat cheese, 山羊奶酪,還有一種 raclette 是瑞士的一種奶酪,往往烤化后放在土豆和面包上吃。在英國,奶酪的名字真是數不勝數。它們的名字往往是根據產地或者制造者的名字而命名的,所以光要記住它們的名字也要下一番功夫才行。
Wang Fei: 在奶酪節上,我遇到了兩位顧客 Sean 和 Liz, 他們在奶酪節上發現了什么樂趣呢?
Liz: We got some organic wine…erm… from Argentina…Malbec, and they were quickly selling out so we decided to get a bottle before…before they finished.
Sean: “Very nice atmosphere here. It’s a very nice atmosphere, very casual – people walking round with wine, and tasting things. Very nice.
Wang Fei: Liz 買到了 organic wine, 有機紅葡萄酒,是產自 Argentina 阿根廷的。They were quickly selling out. 它們非常暢銷。 而 Sean 則發現這里的氣氛環境非常好,very nice atmosphere, very casual, 環境非常休閑。我們聽下一位被采訪者 Jessica 購買到了什么呢?
Jessica: We’re sipping on some lovely warm, fragrant, mulled wine that we just got to keep ourselves warm as we walked around. And then we saw, erm, a cheese stall, so we wanted to buy someone’s artisan cheese as well, and it was very nice…. It’s actually, erm, a Spanish Manchego cheese. Yeah, it was the end of the day, so he gave us, like, a double amount! Yummy! (Laughs)
We’re sipping on some lovely warm and fragrant mulled wine.
Wang Fei: Jessica 買到了 mulled wine, 熱水果紅酒。She is sipping on some lovely, warm and fragrant mulled wine. 她還買到了西班牙 Manchego cheese, 她說 yummy, 意思是非常好吃。并且得到了雙倍的數量,double amount. 當然非常開心。在節目的最后,我也提醒大家,奶酪雖好,但口味因人而異,據我所知,很多中國朋友就對 cheese 不太感興趣。他們覺得奶酪的味道,酸酸的怪怪的。好了,the taste of the pudding is in the eating, 奶酪好吃不好吃,還由您說了算!我們今天的節目就到這里。下次節目再會!
Man: England is about cheese, you must have cheese in your life. When I was at school I was very short, and then when I was 13 I discovered cheese and I went and became one of the tallest in the school.
Woman: Yeah, I think cheese is, very... I think cheese and cream – all the kind of butter fat, traditionally were the… you know, the best part of the meal. You’d have your bread and you’d have whatever… and the cheese would be the cream of the crop! You know – the icing on the cake. And it still is – I mean, what’s better than a cheese sandwich?!