Lion Dancers 英國舞獅少年
Lion Dancers 英國舞獅少年
The script of this programme 本節目臺詞
Wang Fei: 大家好,歡迎收聽《都市掠影》節目。我是王飛。在兔年的第一天,首先祝大家過年好!在倫敦春節期間,最引人注目的莫過于舞龍舞獅表演了。Listen! They are coming!
Wang Fei: This lion dance team is from Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre. 倫敦的南洋武術中心。而更讓我吃驚的是這些舞獅子的少年大部分都是地地道道的英國人。Today we're speaking to Ethan Simmonds, Steve Keen and Jess Miller. 他們三人中誰做舞獅表演,誰做鑼鼓表演 percussion 呢?我們聽一下。
Ethan, Jess and Steve from Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre
Ethan: My name is Ethan Simmonds, and this is Steven Keen.
Steve: Hi, my name's Steve Keen.
Jess: And I'm Jess Miller.
Ethan: Our team in total ranges from about six to twelve people. We do mixed parts so myself and Steven will generally do the lion whilst the rest of our team do the percussion.
Wang Fei: Ethan and Steve do the lion 做舞獅表演。The rest of the team do the percussion 做鑼鼓表演。Ethan 今年18歲,是教練。Steve 和 Jess 是他的助理,他們兩個也都只有17歲。他們什么時候開始練習舞獅的呢?我們繼續聽。
I saw my instructors do the demonstrations and they went out a lot, and they travelled around and it did seem quite exciting so I decided to join with the lion dance.
Ethan, Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre
Ethan: I myself started about nine years ago and I believe Steven also started around the same time. But at the time when we joined we were too young to do it and we didn't actually, or I didn't have an interest in that so much. But then, after about a year, two years, I saw my instructors do the demonstrations and they went out a lot, and they travelled around and it did seem quite exciting so I decided to join in with the lion dance, started doing the classes and I did find it quite enjoyable so I took to it straight away.
Ethan has been doing the lion dance for nine years.
Wang Fei: Wow, Ethan 和 Steve 都已經開始練習舞獅有八、九年的時間了。剛開始也沒有太多興趣,但是當他們看到自己的老師instructors走南闖北,"They went out a lot and travelled around." 他們決定加入,并且發現非常有意思。下面我們聽一聽他們在練習舞獅的過程中,得到了什么好處?
Jess: We travel quite a lot. Like last month, we went up to Glasgow to do a parade and you two have been all over the world with the lion dance.
Ethan: I think Nam Yang as a club has met the Queen as well, we've done a performance for the Queen. It's quite exciting; it does take us around to a lot of different places. And it gives us a lot of different opportunities as well, to go places that we would not normally go to. We meet different sorts of people as well.
Wang Fei: 他們可以去很多平時去不到的地方。Ethan 說 "It gives us a lot of different opportunities to go places that we wouldn't normally go to." 同時還以見到很多特別的人,南洋舞獅隊曾經為英國女王表演過呢!在春節期間,Ethan 所在的舞獅隊得到了很多的演出邀請。用他的話,就是 fully booked. 他們將要在什么地方表演呢?
It's something I think everyone can equally benefit from and enjoy; it doesn't matter who you are.
Ethan, Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre
Ethan: For Chinese New Year, we are fully booked, we are performing at the Mayfair Hotel, as well as Harrods. So we are getting a lot of different performances and we are having to travel all over the place for it but it should be quite exciting and we are definitely looking forward to it.
Wang Fei: Mayfair Hotel 是倫敦有名的五星級酒店,Harrods 也是倫敦大名鼎鼎的百貨公司。同時也看出在英國人們對中國傳統文化也越來越感興趣。以前很多人覺得舞獅是中國人特有的傳統民間表演,對于這一點,我們聽一聽 Ethan 和他的舞獅隊成員有什么觀點呢?
Ethan and Steve lion dancing
Ethan: It (the lion dance) was open to us and it was open to everyone who wanted to take part in it and show an interest and contribute something to it and gain something from it as well. So, it's something I think everyone can equally benefit from and enjoy; it doesn't matter who you are.
Jess: It kind of helps because it like teaches you a bit more about Chinese culture. You don't have to be Chinese to know about Chinese culture.
You don't have to be Chinese to know about Chinese culture.
Jess, Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre
Steve: It's like, sharing the culture. I don't think it would be right, only keeping it to Chinese people. I think it was right that we could share it and all learn from it.
Wang Fei: 對!英國人也希望分享我們中國的傳統文化。就像 Ethan 說的 "The lion dance is something everyone can equally benefit from and enjoy. It doesn't matter who you are." 舞獅是每個人都可以受益并欣賞的,不管你的背景如何。 聽眾朋友,今天是兔年的第一天,舞獅的鑼鼓已經響了起來。Ethan 也希望通過我們的節目向大家拜年!
Ethan: I wish the BBC listeners a very happy Chinese Year of the Rabbit.
I don't think it would be right, only keeping it to Chinese people. I think it was right that we could share it and all learn from it.
Steve, Nam Yang Martial Arts Centre
Wang Fei: 最后,希望在 Ethan, Steve 和 Jess 的表演中,祝大家兔年快樂!再見!
Ethan: It's something I think everyone can equally benefit from and enjoy; it doesn't matter who you are.
Jess: It kind of helps because it like teaches you a bit more about Chinese culture. You don't have to be Chinese to know about Chinese culture.
Steve: It's like, sharing the culture. I don't think it would be right, only keeping it to Chinese people. I think it was right that we could share it and all learn from it.