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Greenwich Park 格林尼治公園

Greenwich Park 格林尼治公園

The script of this programme 本節目臺詞


Andrea: There’s nothing quite like going out for a walk in the park.

Sun Chen: 我同意。在公園漫步 – 有鳥、有蜜蜂、還有樹….

Andrea: So why not take a walk in Greenwich Park? Hello I’m Andrea.

Sun Chen: 還有我,孫晨。在今天的都市掠影當中,我們要去一個滿眼都是綠色的地方。沒錯,這個地方就是倫敦眾多公園當中的一個,格林尼治公園。

Greenwich Park 格林尼治公園

Walking in Greenwich Park is relaxing.

Andrea: Greenwich is famous for the Cutty Sark ship.

Sun Chen: 還有一個讓它著名的就是它是全世界的零時區。這里的格林尼治標準時間和這里的天文臺。

Andrea: Observatory.

Sun Chen: 這兩樣一樣出名。

Andrea: But at the centre of it all is Greenwich Park. A place where people go to jog, have picnics and enjoy nature.

Sun Chen: Derrick Spur 是這里的總經理。他就領著我們一起去漫步這座格林尼治公園。

Derrick Spur: Greenwich Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks and it's got a history going back to the 12th, 13th century. Henry VIII was born here at the Palace of Placentia which is at the bottom of the park near the river. At one stage the park extended right down to the river. In later years the National Maritime Museum was developed and the old Royal Naval College. And the park remains at about 200 acres or 78 hectares.

Andrea: Derrick says that Greenwich Park is the oldest Royal Park in London. Other famous Royal Parks in London are Kew Gardens and Kensington Gardens which are also beautiful to visit.

Greenwich Park is the oldest of the royal parks and it's got a history going back to the 12th, 13th century.

Derrick Spur, manager of Greenwich Park

Sun Chen: 不過,讓人意想不到的居然是英國的亨利八世就出生在這里,當然也不能生在公園里,但是卻是降生在這座公園里的一座宮殿里。要是這么說起來,這座公園的歷史可以推算到十二和十三世紀。

Andrea: Derrick told us that at one time the park went all the way down to the river Thames. He uses the phrase – at one stage. At one time.

Sun Chen: 不過現在在這里誕生的很多新的景點兒隔斷了這座公園和泰晤士河。這就是國家海軍博物館。

Andrea: National Maritime Museum.

Sun Chen: 和皇家海軍學院。

Andrea: Royal Naval College. It’s an enormous space – 200 acres of trees and flowers. Here’s Derrick describing some of the wildlife you can find there.

Derrick Spur: What we’ve got in the park – we’ve got a collection of red and fallow deer. We’ve got about 30 of those. We’ve got quite a lot of wildlife in terms of ducks, geese, that fly in. Grey squirrels which can be a bit of a nuisance – they do quite a lot of damage to the trees. In terms of plants we’ve got a collection of azaleas and rhododendrons. As you can see at the moment it’s very very colourful. So we’ve got a whole range of plants – we’ve got a herb garden and one of the, I boast, one of the best rose gardens in London.

Andrea: So it’s not just about grass and trees. Greenwich Park has a whole lot of wildlife too.

Sun Chen: Derrick 還跟我們說起了這里的野生動物。這其中就有鹿。

Andrea: Deer.

Sun Chen: 鴨子。

Andrea: Ducks.

In terms of plants we’ve got a collection of azaleas and rhododendrons 杜鵑花。 As you can see at the moment it’s very very colourful.

Derrick Spur, manager of Greenwich Park

Sun Chen: 鵝。

Andrea: Geese.

Sun Chen: 還有很多灰松鼠。

Andrea: Grey squirrels. I love squirrels. They’re so cute. Though they can be a bit of a nuisance according to Derrick. They can be an irritation. That’s because they can do damage to the trees.

Sun Chen: Derrick 跟我們說,這座公園還種植了很多種類的杜鵑花。

Andrea: You can use the word ‘collection’ to talk about all sorts of groups of things.

Sun Chen: A collection of stamps.

Andrea: A collection of comics.

Sun Chen: And a collection of paintings. A collection. 就是一整套的意思。

Andrea: Finally Derrick talks very proudly about the rose garden in the park. He thinks it’s one of the best in London.

Sun Chen: 是啊,英國人就是喜歡玫瑰花!

Derrick Spur: Another interesting point to mention for Greenwich Park is that it’s been selected for the equestrian events for the Olympics in 2012 where we will have horses galloping and jumping through the park.

Andrea: This is not just a park. It’s a place where major sporting events take place.

Sun Chen: 2012 年倫敦奧運會的時候,這座格林尼治公園將作為馬術比賽的場地。

Andrea: Horses will be jumping and galloping through the park. I can’t wait.

Sun Chen: 而且,這座公園同時也是倫敦馬拉松比賽的起點。每年的倫敦馬拉松都吸引了世界眾多的好手。

Andrea: So Sun Chen, do you enjoy going to the park in the summer?

Sun Chen: Of course, I do like walking in the park, especially in summer.

Andrea: For me, because London is such a busy city, it’s just so lovely that it has so many parks. It really does give you a chance to go somewhere peaceful to relax and unwind.

Sun Chen: 好了,估計我們是不是也把你到公園散步的癮也勾起來了呢?我們這里也要跟你說再見了。登錄我們的網址,你可以查閱每天我們所有的節目。

Andrea: Until the next time. Bye!

Sun Chen: 我們下次節目再見!