Liverpool 利物浦
The script of this programme 本節(jié)目臺詞
John: Today, we're in Liverpool.
Sun Chen: The home of The Beatles. 好了,我們今天要介紹的城市就是利物浦。當然要說起利物浦,我們馬上能在嘴邊提起來的,肯定就是來自這座城市的甲殼蟲樂隊,那利物浦還有什么讓它出名的嗎? What else is the city known for John?
John: The BBC spoke with Perry Lee and Anthony Sayonas, two people who live in Liverpool. Perry is from Liverpool's Chinese community and he told us all about Chinatown in Liverpool and Anthony knows a lot about the strange sculptures you can see all over the city.
Sun Chen: 我們要和 Perry 去參觀利物浦的中國城 Chinatown. Anthony 還要給我們挨個說說利物浦街頭當中很奇怪的街頭雕塑。They are very strange.
John: First to Chinatown. Perry showed the BBC one of the oldest pubs in Chinatown.
Sun Chen: 一會兒 Perry 說話的時候,我們會聽到他說過去的酒吧服務生喊關門的時間 call time. 這個酒吧用語通常是酒吧馬上就要關門,停止賣酒的時候用的。Perry 帶我們到了一家利物浦最古老的酒吧。據(jù)說以前好多這兒的中國人就經(jīng)常來這個酒吧碰頭。
This is The Nook pub, one of the oldest pubs in Liverpool and they used to call time in both English and Chinese. Many a day I'd have to come down here and get my dad out because he used to get paid from the company ship's office, which was here where this restaurant The New Capital was, when he was on home leave.
Perry Lee, resident of Liverpool
Sun Chen: Ok 這么說, Perry 的父親曾經(jīng)就是經(jīng)常出海的海員。
John: And Perry's dad was Chinese so I think he appreciated that when the pub staff called time it was both in Chinese and English.
Sun Chen: 這就是我們剛才發(fā)現(xiàn)的一個在利物浦說中文的酒吧。利物浦還有些什么好玩兒的呢? What next John?
John: Well Chinatown in Liverpool loves to celebrate and Perry told us all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated in Liverpool.
Amazing eh? Strange isn't it? A thousand-year tradition. A dragon dance. Set against a backdrop of the Anglican Cathedral. It's a strange juxtaposition, here in Liverpool.
Perry Lee
John: Ah, so it's the traditional dragon dance, which moves slowly through Chinatown, that marks the New Year in Liverpool.
Sun Chen: 傳統(tǒng)的舞龍 the traditional dragon dance. 在利物浦,舞龍經(jīng)常在英國圣公會教堂外面舉行。
John: Perry calls this a strange juxtaposition. A juxtaposition is where two quite different things are placed side by side. In this case, the traditional Chinese dance and a church where the dance is being performed.
Sun Chen: A juxtaposition 就是并排出現(xiàn)。
John: Yes, this is BBC Learning English with On the Town in Liverpool. We've heard about a Chinese-English pub and how New Year is celebrated in Chinatown in Liverpool, but what else?
Sun Chen: 說起利物浦街頭那些奇怪的雕塑,Anthony 就興奮不已。我們來聽聽他是怎么給我們介紹的。
Liverpool has got more pieces of art on the street than any other city in the land. At the present moment these are new pieces of art, by the Paul McCartney School of Music and stuff. And these are called Case Histories. And what they are, are supposedly all the famous people that have been based in Liverpool, and famous organisations that have left Liverpool, like they've left their luggage here. It's a really, really interesting piece of art. It's fun!
Anthony Sayonas, resident of Liverpool
John: Anthony was sitting on a large pile of what looked like suitcases, in the middle of a road!
Sun Chen: 手提箱 suitcases, 在大街中間. 這個雕塑表述的其實就是那些從利物浦乘船到很遠的地方去的人們,結果他們把行李卻落在了這里。
John: And there are lots of other similar statues and sculptures all over the city, as this year* Liverpool is the European City of Culture.
Sun Chen: 別忘了以后連續(xù)收聽我們的節(jié)目,同時我們也希望你今年能有機會來利物浦親身感受!
John: Bye for now.
*This programme was originally broadcast in 2008