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The cost of war 戰爭的代價

媒體英語會帶大家一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用到的單詞和短語。

The cost of war 戰爭的代價

Which is the most violent country to live in?


《經濟與和平研究所》在本周發表的2015年的全球和平指數顯示去年因戰爭造成的經濟損失達到了14.3萬億,相當于全球國民生產總值的13.4%。 BBC全球事務記者 Mike Wooldridge 發回以下報道:

The index, launched in 2007, seeks to measure what it calls global peacefulness, ranking 162 nations by such measures as the levels of violence and crime within the country, their military expenditure and involvement in wars.

Iceland tops the list for peacefulness and many OECD countries have now reached historically high levels of peace, according to the Index. Syria is judged the least peaceful country and the index says the number of people killed in conflicts globally was 180,000 last year, up from 49,000 in 2010.

It concludes that there is now an increasing division between the most and least peaceful nations, and it argues that reducing conflict is crucial to continued world economic recovery.

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