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South Korea in Madagascar 南韓來到馬達加斯加
[ 2008-12-24 17:21 ]

South Korea in Madagascar 南韓來到馬達加斯加 


Background: 韓國巨頭企業大宇公司正在就租賃馬達加斯加農地的計劃進行最后細節的簽訂。此舉旨在確保韓國未來的糧食供應。大宇公司已租下相當于比利時面積二分之一的農地種植莊稼作物,并采用非洲的技術力量。

Questions: 請在聽下面錄音的時候試著回答這些問題。這是一個用來幫助你提高聽力技能的練習。

1. True or False? South Korea has bought a lot of farmland in Madagascar.

2. How much land is involved in the deal?

3. How long will it take for the scheme to be fully functioning?

4. Which other African countries have expressed interest in doing something similar?

South Korea in Madagascar 南韓來到馬達加斯加Click here for answers

South Korea in Madagascar 南韓來到馬達加斯加

Daewoo says it will grow corn and palm oil on huge tracts 廣闊的地面 of Madagascan farmland that the company has leased 租借 for 99 years.

This ambitious scheme 雄心勃勃的計劃 will cover 1.2 million hectares 公頃 and is part of South Korea's plans to ensure its access to food supplies in the coming years.

The scheme is designed to provide more than half the country's imports of corn when it's fully operational in 15 years' time.

A number of Asian countries have been attempting to ensure 確保 their access to food supplies since unrest 騷動 over food broke out earlier this year.

And some African countries have been keen to receive overseas investment 海外投資.

Angola has offered farmland for development 發展 and Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, said he's eager 急切地 to see foreign companies take a stake 整理 in his country's agriculture 農業.

GLOSSARY 詞匯表 (收聽發音, 請單擊英語單詞)


1. True or False? South Korea has bought a lot of farmland in Madagascar.

False. South Korea is renting the land for 99 years.

2. How much land is involved in the deal?

More than 1 million hectares.

3. How long will it take for the scheme to be fully functioning?

The scheme will take 15 years to become operational.

4. Which other African countries have expressed interest in doing something similar?

Angola and Ethiopia are keen to get involved.

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