Unit 28 - How Often? 做某事的頻率

Dialogue 1: 1對話1:
- Darryl:
- Have you ever been to Britain?
- Darryl:
- 你去過英國嗎?
- Yen:
- Oh yes, I’ve been to Britain many times. I go there on business.
- Yen:
- 我出差去過很多次。
- Darryl:
- Really? How often do you go there?
- Darryl:
- 真的么?那你多久去一次?
- Yen:
- Usually, I go to London twice a year but sometimes I go three or four times a year.
- Yen:
- 我通常一年去兩次倫敦,但是有時候可能也會去三四次。
- Darryl:
- Do you always go on business or do you sometimes go for a holiday?
- Darryl:
- 你總是出差嗎?還是有時候會度假?
- Yen:
- I’m afraid I never go for a holiday. It’s always business.
- Yen:
- 我從來沒有去那兒度過假,總是出差。
Dialogue 2: 2對話:
- Philip:
- How often do you have English lessons?
- Philip:
- 你多久上一次英語課?
- Xin:
- I have a lesson once a week but I try to practice every day.
- Xin:
- 我一周上兩次課,但是我爭取每天都聯系。
- Philip:
- How do you practice?
- Philip:
- 你怎么練習?
- Xin:
- I usually look at English language websites every day and go to my local English Corner twice a week.
- Xin:
- 我通常每天都會上英文網站,我每星期還會參加兩次我們地區的英語角。
- Philip:
- Do you ever speak to native speakers of English?
- Philip:
- 你有機會和母語是英語的人交談嗎?
- Xin:
- Sadly, I hardly ever speak to English people. I usually practice with my Chinese friends.
- Xin:
- 我幾乎從來都沒機會和母語說英語的人交談。我通常和我的中國朋友們練習。
Key Phrases 關鍵詞語