2006年影視英語精彩推薦 |
風雨春秋,LT影視英語頻道已經陪伴大家走過了一年的時光。新年將至,影視英語歲末盤點,精選出十部電影,讓您在學習地道英語的同時,品味電影的魅力,感悟多樣的人生。 |
2006-12-27 |
The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之一) |
On your day off, get as far away from this place as you can. Go someplace where you feel most like yourself. |
2006-12-25 |
Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講十八) |
This is a poker game. You can't serve food with more than one syllable. It's gotta be like chips... |
2006-12-22 |