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Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), makes remarks during a meeting with the new heads of the reorganized organs of the CMC in Beijing, Jan 11, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] |
China has reorganized its four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments -- into 15 new agencies under the Central Military Commission (CMC). Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said the multi-department structure will help the CMC function better and is conducive to consolidating the absolute leadership of the Party over the armed forces.
軍委調整后實行多部門制(multi-department structure),設15個職能部門,由中央軍委(Central Military Commission,CMC)直接管轄。軍委原有體制為總部制,在中央軍委下設總參謀部(General Staff Headquarters)、總政治部(General Political Department)、總后勤部(General Logistics Department)、總裝備部(General Armament Department)四總部。
改革后的15個部門具體由三委、一辦、六部、五直屬構成。三委(three commissions)具體包括:軍委紀委(commission of discipline inspection)、軍委政法委(commission of politics and law)、軍委科技委(commission of science and technology)。六部(six departments):聯合參謀部(joint staff department)、政治工作部(political work department)、后勤保障部(logistical support department)、裝備發展部(equipment development department)、訓練管理部(training department)、國防動員部(national defense mobilization department)。一辦(one office):軍委辦公廳(the general office)。五直屬(five divisions):戰略規劃辦公室(strategic planning office)、改革和編制辦公室(reform and organizational structure office)、國際軍事合作辦公室(international cooperation office)、軍委審計署(audit office)、機關事務管理總局(administration office)。
同時,習近平在接見調整組建后的軍委機關各部門負責同志時強調,軍委機關的領導干部講政治是第一要求,要毫不動搖堅持黨對軍隊絕對領導(absolute leadership)。
習近平指出,軍委機關要把謀打贏作為最大職責(focus on winning wars as their central task),強化隨時準備打仗的思想(strengthen the awareness in preparing for war at any time),集中精力研究軍事、研究戰爭、研究打仗(concentrate on the study of military affairs, wars and how to fight battles),盡快形成順暢高效的聯合作戰指揮體系(a smooth-running and effective joint command system)。
(中國日報網英語點津 劉秀紅)
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