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'Birdman,' 'Budapest' top Oscar nominations with 9 nods each
Two extravagant comedies, "Birdman" and "The Grand Budapest Hotel," tied for the most Oscar nominations Thursday morning with nine nods each, including best picture.
周四上午揭曉的奧斯卡提名名單中,兩部大手筆喜劇《鳥人》(Birdman)及《布達佩斯大飯店》(The Grand Budapest Hotel)雙雙獲得了包括最佳影片獎提名在內的九項提名,并列領跑。
They were joined in best-picture nominations by "Boyhood," ''Whiplash," ''The Theory of Everything," ''The Imitation Game," ''American Sniper" and "Selma." Nominations for the 87th annual Academy Awards were announced from Beverly Hills, where they were broadcast and streamed live.
其他獲得最佳影片提名的影片包括:《少年時代》(Boyhood)、《爆裂鼓手》(Whiplash)、《萬物理論》(The Theory of Everything)、《模仿游戲》(The Imitation Game)、《美國狙擊手》(American Sniper)以及《塞爾瑪游行》(Selma)。第87屆美國電影藝術和科學學院獎(奧斯卡金像獎)的提名在比弗利山莊(Beverly Hills)揭曉,并進行了現場直播。
World War II code-breaker thriller "The Imitation Game," about unsung hero Alan Turing, trailed close behind with eight nominations. Clint Eastwood's Navy SEAL drama "American Sniper" did especially well, landing six nods including best actor for Bradley Cooper.
關于二戰時期密碼破譯者、無名英雄艾倫?圖靈(Alan Turing)的驚悚片《模仿游戲》則以八項提名緊隨其后。而克林特?伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)執導的關于海豹特遣隊(Navy SEAL)的劇情片《美國狙擊手》(American Sniper)表現優異,一舉獲得了六項提名,包括布萊德利?庫伯(Bradley Cooper)的最佳男演員獎提名。
Also with six nominations was Richard Linklater's coming-of-age epic "Boyhood," which remains the best-picture favorite. On Sunday, the 12-years-in-making drama won best drama at the Golden Globes.
同樣獲得六項提名的還有理查德?林克萊特(Richard Linklater)的成長題材電影《少年時代》,該片仍然是獲得最佳影片呼聲最高的電影。在上周日剛剛結束的金球獎上,這部花費十二年時間拍攝的《少年時代》獲得了劇情類最佳影片獎。
But Wes Anderson's old Europe caper "The Grand Budapest Hotel," which also won best comedy or musical at the Globes, has emerged as the most unexpected awards heavyweight. With $59.1 million at the North American box office (opening all the way back in March), it's also the most money-making best-picture entry in an especially modestly sized batch of nominees. That, however, is likely to change soon after "American Sniper" expands nationwide this weekend.
韋斯?安德森(Wes Anderson)執導的《布達佩斯大飯店》此前在金球獎上喜獲音樂喜劇類最佳影片獎,這部充滿充滿著濃郁老歐洲風情的的驚險喜劇片出人意料地入圍多個奧斯卡獎項。自從去年三月份上映以來,它在北美的票房收入達到5910萬美元,也成為了數量不多的最佳影片提名影片中最賺錢的一部。不過,隨著本周《美國狙擊手》在全美范圍內的持續上映,這一格局或將改變。
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" managed nine nominations without a single acting nod. Instead, it was repeatedly cited for Anderson's meticulous craft in categories like directing, production design, makeup and screenplay.
The nominees for best actor are: Cooper, Steve Carell ("Foxcatcher"), Benedict Cumberbatch ("The Imitation Game"), Michael Keaton ("Birdman") and Eddie Redmayne. David Oweloyo, who stars as Martin Luther King Jr. in "Selma," was left out.
獲得最佳男演員提名的有:庫伯、史蒂夫?卡瑞爾(Steve Carell)(《狐貍射手》(Foxcatcher))、本尼迪克特?康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)(《模仿游戲》)、邁克爾?基頓(Michael Keaton)(《鳥人》)以及埃迪?雷德梅尼(Eddie Redmayne)。在《塞爾瑪游行》一片中飾演馬丁?路德?金的大衛?奧伊羅(David Oweloyo)未能獲得提名。
Ava DuVernay's civil rights drama, at one point considered a major contender, faded even after its late debut. The film, which has been nagged by criticism over its portrayal of President Lyndon Johnson, managed just two nominations. (The second was for best song.)
這部阿娃?杜威內(Ava DuVernay)執導的關于人權的劇情片電影,一度被認為是強有力的競爭者,但是它剛剛首映后便慘遭出局。這部電影因其對林登?約翰遜(Lyndon Johnson)總統的刻畫遭到批評人士詬病,僅獲得兩項提名(另一項提名是最佳配樂獎)。
Marion Cotillard for the French-language "Two Days, One Night" was the surprise nominee for best actress. She was joined by Felicity Jones ("The Theory of Everything"), Julianne Moore ("Still Alice"), Rosamund Pike ("Gone Girl") and Reese Witherspoon ("Wild"). That left Jennifer Aniston's pained and grieving performance in "Cake" on the outside.
瑪麗昂?歌迪亞(Marion Cotillard)因其在法語電影《兩天一夜》(Two Days, One Night)的精彩表現意外獲得最佳女演員提名。其他獲得提名的還有:菲麗希緹?瓊斯(Felicity Jones)(《萬物理論》)、朱利安?摩爾(Julianne Moore)(《依然愛麗絲》(Still Alice))、羅莎曼德?派克(Rosamund Pike)(《消失的愛人》)(Gone Girl)以及瑞茜?威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)(《涉足荒野》)(Wild)。詹妮弗?安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)因在《蛋糕》(Cake)中演技不佳而未能參加角逐。
The eight best-picture nominees left out two wild cards that might have added a dose of darkness to the category: the creepy Jake Gyllenhaal thriller "Nightcrawler" and the tragic wrestling drama "Foxcatcher." In the three previous years since the category was expanded (anywhere between five and 10 film may be nominated), there were nine movies contending for best picture.
杰克?吉倫哈爾(Jake Gyllenhaal)的恐怖驚悚片《夜行者》(Nightcrawler)和關于摔跤手的悲情電影《狐貍獵手》(Foxcatcher),這兩部影片本可能為這一獎項的爭奪增添幾分黑暗色彩,但不幸未能加入最佳影片獎提名的8部電影的陣營。自從該獎項擴展成五至十部電影可被提名后,最近三年,都有九部電影角逐最佳影片獎。
"Foxcatcher" helmer Bennett Miller (previously nominated for "Capote") did squeak into best director. Joining him and Anderson are Linklater ("Boyhood"), Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ("Birdman") and Morten Tyldum ("The Imitation Game").
《狐貍獵手》的導演本尼特?米勒(Bennett Miller)(之前憑借《卡波特》獲得提名)入圍最佳導演獎。獲得提名的還有:本尼特?米勒(Bennett Miller)、安德森、林克萊特(《少年時代》)、利桑德羅?岡薩雷斯?伊納里多(Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu)(《鳥人》)以及莫騰?泰杜姆(Morten Tyldum)(《模仿游戲》)。
One of the most notable snubs came in the best animation category, usually a particularly staid category. Despite critical love and major box office, "The Lego Movie" failed to join nominees "Big Hero 6," ''The Boxtrolls," ''How to Train Your Dragon 2," ''Song of the Sea" and "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya."
通常很無趣的最佳動畫片獎項,爆了個大冷門。盡管《樂高大電影》(The Lego Movie)獲得影評人士的好評也取得了不俗票房,卻無緣角逐該獎項。最佳動畫片獎提名的名單是:《超能陸戰隊》(Big Hero 6)、《盒子怪》(The Boxtrolls)、《馴龍高手2》(How to Train Your Dragon 2)、《海洋之歌》(Song of the Sea)和《輝夜姬物語》(The Tale of the Princess Kaguya)。
This year's smaller sized but much-beloved favorites — "Boyhood," ''Birdman" — have been largely locked in as front runners throughout much of the ever-expanding industrial complex of Hollywood's lengthy awards season. As studios have focused more and more on easily marketed blockbusters, Oscar season increasingly exists apart from the regular business of the movies, in its own highfalutin, red-carpeted realm.
Ratings, though, are on the rise. Last year's Oscars, hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, drew 43 million viewers, making it the most-watched entertainment telecast in a decade. "12 Years a Slave" took best picture. This year's ceremony on Feb. 22 will be hosted by Neil Patrick Harris.
但奧斯卡頒獎禮的收視率卻在不斷攀升。去年的奧斯卡頒獎禮由艾倫?德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)主持,吸引了4300萬觀眾收看,也使它成為十年來最受矚目的娛樂電視節目。《為奴十二年》(12 Years a Slave)獲得了去年的最佳影片獎。今年的頒獎典禮將于2月22日舉行,并由尼爾?帕特里克?哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)主持。
The nominees for best foreign language film are: "Ida" (Poland), "Leviathan" (Russia), "Tangerines" (Estonia), "Timbuktu" (Mauritania) and "Wild Tales" (Argentina).
《修女艾達》(Ida)(波蘭)、《利維坦》(Leviathan)(俄羅斯)、《金橘》(Tangerines)(愛沙尼亞)、《廷巴克圖》(Timbuktu)(毛里塔尼亞)和《荒蠻故事》(Wild Tales)(阿根廷)獲得了最佳外語片的提名。
Best documentary nods went to "CitizenFour," ''Finding Vivian Maier," ''Last Days in Vietnam," ''The Salt of the Earth" and "Virunga." The last gave Netflix its second Oscar nomination. (It last year released the nominated documentary "The Square.")
提名最佳紀錄片獎的影片有:《第四公民》(CitizenFour)、《尋找薇薇安?邁爾》(Finding Vivian Maier)、《在越南最后的日子》(Last Days in Vietnam)、《地球之鹽》(The Salt of the Earth)和《維龍加》(Virunga)。其中《維龍加》使得網飛公司獲得第二次奧斯卡提名。(去年網飛憑借紀錄片為《廣場》(The Square)獲得提名)。
tie: 不分勝負,平分秋色
code-breaker: 密碼破譯員
trail: 落后于…
coming-of-age: 成年,成熟
caper: 驚險喜劇片
meticulous: 注意細節的,一絲不茍的
contender: 競爭者
nag: 抱怨,挑剔,指責
squeak: 勉強通過
snub: 冷落
staid: 嚴肅呆板的,無趣的
highfalutin: 高傲的
(譯者:旋轉木馬0930 編輯:劉明)
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