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Why co-sleeping is no-sleeping—baby won't let mom sleep
A dirty low-down trick, you'd agree; but as they say, the end justifies the means.
Ellia's impish smile as she finally gets her own way, forcing mom to give up pretending to be asleep, seems to say, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air...," literally in this case!
Anderson posted the video, "Why Co-Sleeping is No-Sleeping," to YouTube on Dec. 2 and it has gone viral with over 2 million views.
The young mother, who blogs for Story of This Life, wrote in the description of the YouTube video: “Every morning my baby sleeps in my bed with me for a couple hours after she wakes up to eat. And every morning I ask myself why I didn't just put her back in her crib... so this morning I grabbed my cellphone and recorded what my baby alarm clock looks like. I think I'm not alone in this..."
這位年輕的媽媽在著名社交網站Facebook的博客頁面Story of This Life中對這個視頻進行了一些解說:“每天早上我的寶貝醒來吃點東西后就會在我的床上和我睡幾個小時,每天我也都會問自己為什么沒有把她放回她的小床上,原因就在這里,今天我拿起我的手機,記錄這個像鬧鈴一樣的寶貝。我認為有很多人處境和我一樣......”
The famous actor and director Aston Kutcher, shared the video on his Facebook page, where it received over 35,000 likes and nearly 10,000 shares.
著名演員兼導演阿斯頓·屈奇克(Aston Kutcher)將這個視頻轉發在他的Facebook上,獲得了超過三萬五千個點贊和近一萬次的轉發。
This is not the first time that Anderson has produced a YouTube video that went viral. With her husband Thad, she posted a video to YouTube on Nov. 1, 2014, titled, "Escaping a Sleeping Baby," which went viral with nearly 500,000 views.
這不是安德松第一次在YouTube上發布關注度這么高的視頻,她和丈夫薩得(Thad)一起制作的一個名為“成功從睡著的孩子身邊撤離”(Escaping a Sleeping Baby)的視頻在2014年11月1日發布后得到將近五十萬次的點擊量。
The video depicts the delicate and and surprisingly challenging task many parents, trying to lure their baby to sleep, have faced: Leaving the baby's side after she has apparently fallen asleep without waking her up.
(翻譯:guanxiaoqi 編輯:丹妮)
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