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Could global warming make our flowers smell nine times sweeter?
But the effects of the phenomenon might be felt more positively a little closer to home, after scientists claimed that it will make flowers smell sweeter.
Some flowers could give out a smell that is nine times more fragrant than they currently produce, according to a report.
It says that a temperature increase of between 1C (34F) – 5C (41F) will vastly increase the ability of flowers to produce their sweet smells.
The study, published in the journal Global Change Biology, suggests that plants are able to produce more terpenes – the chemicals that give them their smell - in hotter conditions.
發布在《全球變化生物學》(Global Change Biology)期刊上的研究表明,在更暖和的環境下,植物能分泌更多可產生香氣的萜類化學物。
Despite the environmental risk linked to climate change, the effect on flowers could also help bee populations as the stronger smells make flowers easier to find and pollinate.
It also found that the effect could be more significant in cooler countries such as the UK and would have a stong impact on fruit trees.
The finding comes as the unseasonably warm autumn weather this year has led to reports that plants are being ‘tricked’ into blooming early.
Guy Barter, chief horticultural adviser at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), described the findings as interesting and said it could have a significant effect on lightly scented flowers.
皇家園藝協會(Royal Horticultural Society)首席園藝顧問蓋伊·巴特(Guy Barter)說,此次調查結果很有意思,氣候變暖對香氣淡的花有重大影響。
‘We think about climate change in terms of rising temperatures and sea levels but there are more subtle potential effects which we have not thought about,’ he told the Sunday Times.
他對《星期日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)記者說,“我們只考慮到氣候變暖對溫度升高和海平面上升的影響,但是還有更多細微的潛在影響我們沒能想到。”
Last year, experts from the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change warned the average global temperature had risen by 0.5C in 50 years.
去年,來自政府間氣候變化專門委員會(Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change)的專家提醒,過去50年里全球平均氣溫已經上升0.5℃。
They predicted temperatures will increase by 3C over the next century, causing a rise in sea levels, flooding, disease outbreaks and mass migration of refugees.
The researchers from the global ecology unit at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at a variety of plants, including holm oak, yellow fleabane, heather and Spanish broom.
來自巴塞羅那自治大學(the Autonomous University of Barcelona)的全球生態學單位研究人員對包括圣櫟、黃蒿、石楠和西班牙金雀花在內的多種植物進行了觀察。
In the paper the researchers said: ‘The species with the highest increases in emissions were those with the lowest [fragrance] rates.’
‘The increases calculated for floral terpene emissions indicate that very significant increases in the amount of floral scents will likely occur in a warmer world.
‘The rates of floral terpene emission by the end of the century could increase 0.34-9.1-fold for a 5C increase in mean maximum temperature during the flowering peak of the season.’
(翻譯:xysweetxy 編輯:陳丹妮)
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