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Japanese researchers reveal artificial intelligence software that can BEAT real pupils on university entrance exams
Japanese researchers have revealed artificial intelligence software so smart it can beat most real students on a high school test. Known as To-Robo, the AI software scored higher on the English section of Japan's standardized college entrance test than the average Japanese high school senior, its developers said. It has also managed to double its score in just 12 months - raising hopes it will eventually pass the entrance exam for Tokyo University, Japan's most prestigious college. 'The average score for the English section of the standardized entrance exam was 93.1 (out of 200), but the AI scored 95,' a spokesman for NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group said. Last year the software scored 52. The NTT lab is developing the software alongside the National Institute of Informatics, and is in charge of developing the software's English capabilities. The project began in 2011 with a 10-year time frame for reaching its goal. Questions from the test were turned into data that could be recognized by the software. To-Robo then processed the information, distinguishing the logic of exchanges and correctly identifying the right answer out of multiple choices. 'One of our purposes is to reveal the limitations of AI,' said Noriko Arai, an NII professor who heads the project, told the Asahi Shimbun. 'Showing how humans and machines will be able to supplement each other is a key for Japan's economic growth in the future.' The latest test score results showed that Torobo-kun has a probability of at least 80 percent of passing the exams of 80 percent of 581 private universities across Japan. One reason is the great improvement in its scores for English and Japanese, Yoyogi Seminar officials said. However, they admit the software has has more work to do. The AI program cannot grasp unrealistic situations, such as an object with no mass or an environment with no friction, in the physics test. It also struggled with concepts it had never heard of - for instance, it did not know what democracy is like because it has yet to learn the idea of majority rule, social justice concepts and other related information. In the English test, it was unable to answer questions using figures and illustrations. It was better at recognizing photographs, the researchers said.
日本研究人員透露,人工智能軟件已經聰明到可以在高中考試中打敗大部分真正的學生了。 To-Robo的開發人員稱,該智能軟件在日本的標準化大學入學測試的英語部分,獲得了比日本高中生平均成績還要高的分數。 僅在過去的12個月內,To-Robo就成功將成績翻倍,提升了它最終通過日本最負盛名的大學——東京大學的入學考試的希望。 一位NTT科學核心技術實驗室的發言人稱,“標準化入學測試英語部分的平均分為93.1(以200人為例),但智慧型軟件得分95。” 去年該軟件的得分為52。 NTT實驗室正與國立情報學研究所一道開發此軟件,并負責開發該軟件的英語能力。 此開發項目始于2011年,計劃在10年內完成目標。 測試中的問題被轉換為可被軟件識別的數據。 然后,To-Robo處理信息,以區分其中的邏輯并正確地從多項選擇中識別正確答案。 “我們的目標之一是揭示出智能軟件的局限性。”領導此項目的國立情報學研究所教授新井紀子( Noriko Arai)向《朝日新聞》透露。 “展示人類和機器將怎樣互為補充,是未來日本經濟發展的一個關鍵。” 最新的測試得分結果顯示,Torobo-kun 至少有80%的可能性,來通過全日本581所私立大學中80%的考試。 代代木研討會官員表示,原因之一是該智能軟件在英語和日語得分上的巨大進步。 然而,他們承認軟件還有更多的工作要做。 在物理測試中,智能軟件項目不能夠掌握不真實的情景,例如沒有質量的物體,或沒有摩擦力的環境。 它也糾結于從未聽聞的概念。例如,它不知道什么是民主,因為它還未學習少數服從多數原則,社會公平概念和其他相關信息。 在英語測試中,它不能夠回答使用到數字和插圖的問題。 研究人員稱,在識別照片方面,智能軟件表現更佳。 (翻譯?guanxiaoqi??編輯 Julie) 掃一掃,關注微博微信
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