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10 bizarre driving laws around the world
Mandatory breathalyzers in your car
4.On the other end of extreme, France requires its drivers to carry a portable breathalyzer at all times when driving a car. The one-time kits cost around $5, and if you don’t have one the fine is a paltry 11 euros ($15)—but the law is seldom enforced.
4. 另一個極端情況,法國要求駕駛員在駕駛時隨時攜帶便攜式酒精測定儀。這樣的一次性設備大約要5美元,如果你沒有攜帶,罰款僅為11歐元(15美元)——但是這條法律很少被執行。
上一篇 : 習近平在聯合國教科文組織總部的演講(雙語)
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