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Egyptian police headquarters hit by explosion
Egypt's official news agency and a security official say at least 11 people were killed and scores more injured after a strong explosion hit a police headquarters building in a Nile Delta city north of Cairo. The Middle East News Agency said the explosion took place at 1.10am local time on Tuesday, at Dakahlia security headquarters in the Nile Delta province of Mansour, causing the collapse of parts of the five-floor building. A security official said that 11 people were killed and 80 injured including the city's security chief. Most of those killed were policemen inside the security headquarters whose bodies were buried under the debris. The death toll was expected to rise, he said. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the press, said an initial investigation suggested a car bomb had caused the explosion. Egypt's Nile News TV cut into its late-night programming to urge people to go to hospitals to donate blood to the victims of the attack, which it described as the worst in the city's history. The attack comes a day after an al-Qaida inspired group, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, or the Champions of Jerusalem, called on members of the police and army to desert or face death. Attacks on soldiers and policemen have sharply risen since the Egyptian army ousted the elected Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July in the face of mass unrest against his rule. Most of the attacks have occurred in the Sinai. About 200 soldiers have died in Sinai alone since Morsi was forced out. The group said it considered Egyptian troops to be infidels because they answered to the secular-leaning military-backed government. It gained notoriety after expanding its operations outside of the northern Sinai province. It claimed responsibility for a September suicide bombing that targeted Egypt's interior minister, who escaped unharmed. |
埃及代蓋赫利耶省首府曼蘇拉警察總部大樓發生爆炸,造成至少14人死亡,130多人受傷。埃及臨時總理貝卜拉維稱爆炸為恐怖襲擊事件。 埃及衛生部表示,當地時間24日凌晨1點10分,曼蘇拉警察總部發生爆炸,導致至少14人死亡,130多人受傷,并致使5層高的大樓部分坍塌。有匿名安全官員透露說,共有2枚炸彈同時爆炸,一枚在大樓高層的指揮部引爆,另一枚則大樓旁邊的一輛汽車中爆炸,埃及當局還發現并排除了第3枚炸彈。爆炸中的死者多為警察,代蓋赫利耶省警察局長也在爆炸中受傷。 當地醫院表示,從現場目擊者報告和傷者受傷情況看來,傷亡人數還有可能進一步上升。當地電視臺中斷深夜的節目安排,敦促人們去醫院向受害者獻血。 埃及臨時總理哈齊姆?貝卜拉維譴責爆炸事件,表示要將襲擊者繩之以法。他說:“這是意在恐嚇民眾、阻礙路線圖的恐怖主義行徑。幕后黑手想要破壞我們國家的未來。政府將會盡全力追捕那些執行、策劃并支持襲擊事件的罪犯。” 另外,埃及內閣發言人謝里夫?舒基稱,穆斯林兄弟會暴露了“造成流血死亡、危害埃及安全的恐怖主義丑惡嘴臉”,稱其應該為爆炸負責。貝卜拉維則拒絕認定穆斯林兄弟會是恐怖組織。 自7月份埃及軍方驅逐埃及民選總統穆罕默德?穆爾西以來,埃及士兵和警察遭受的攻擊數量急劇上升,其中大多數襲擊事件集中在西奈半島。穆爾西倒臺后僅西奈就已有約200名士兵死亡。 相關閱讀 (譯者 聞竹 編輯 王琦琛) |
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