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我的小侄女很喜愛動物,而且做事很認真。最近她宣布,長大后要當獸醫! 我們都覺得這個職業蠻適合她的,不過她父母并不打算現在就開始為她成為獸醫做任何投資和計劃,因為孩子畢竟還小,很可能以后改主意! 她父母的這種做法讓我想到一個習慣用語,那就是:
Cross that bridge when one comes to it.
Cross that bridge when one comes to it 字面的意思是“到了橋邊再過橋”,其實就是指“等事情發生了再應對”,“船到橋頭自然直”。我侄女的父母就是這個態度,They don't want to start thinking about how to finance their daughter's veterinarian training yet. They prefer to cross that bridge when they come to it. 他們不要現在就開始為孩子上獸醫學校準備學費,而是打算等孩子真上了再說。在下面的例子中,有個女孩為自己的未來做打算,嗯,其實也可以說是沒做什么打算。我們來聽一聽:
"Carrie is determined to move to New York City next fall. At the moment, she doesn't know what she's going to do for a job once she gets there. Still, she's not worried. She says that she will CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN SHE COMES TO IT. The way she figures it, she'll be able to find work after she gets settled."
這種隨遇而安的心態真不錯,不過,很多人都沒Carrie這么大松心,不愿意走一步算一步。很多人都是盡量避免可能出現的問題,這樣的話,They don't have to cross that bridge when they come to it. 他們就不用等問題發生了,再急切著想法子應對了。
"So far, the company presidents have agreed that they'll sign the contract with Mexico. Beyond that, they haven't really decided what they'll do next. The reality is that they'll deal with the situation when it happens. They're CROSSING THAT BRIDGE WHEN THEY COME TO IT."
Cross the bridge when one comes to it 在口語里的另外一個說法是Wing it. Wing it,也是“到時候再說”、“隨機應變”的意思。
(來源:VOA英語教學 編輯:丹妮)
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