這里的id 可不是指 ID card,而是 identify(辨別身分)的意思。 Id 作動詞用時的時態和形態變化有:ID'd or IDed or
ID'ed, ID'ing or ID·ing。
3. Blind spot
這里指"A part of an area that cannot be directly observed under existing
Blind spot 還可以指"Subject about which one is ignorant or
biased某人一無所知或是抱有偏見的事物",例如:The boss has a blind spot about Henry; he wouldn't
fire him for anything.
4. We had two hour's notice. Two hours, what the fuck do you think this is,
這句話的意思是 The police didn't have very much notice to set up their video
equipment, which is why they have a blind spot. NASA (美國國家航空航天局)has very good
technology. Cop2's comment is referring to the fact that their equipment was put
up quickly (in only 2 hours) and that they have poor equipment.