In this enchanting novel about a 12-year-old English boy, David, who is thrust into a realm where eternal stories and fairy tales assume an often gruesome reality. Books are the magic that speak to David, whose mother has died at the start of WWII after a long debilitating illness. His father remarries, and soon his stepmother is pregnant with yet another interloper who will threaten David's place in his father's life. When a portal to another world opens in time-honored fashion, David enters a land of beasts and monsters where he must undertake a quest if he is to earn his way back out.
About Author
John Connolly was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1968 and has, at various points in his life, worked as a journalist, a barman, a local government official, a waiter and a dogsbody at Harrods department store in London. His first novel, Every Dead Thing, was published in 1999, and introduced the character of Charlie Parker, a former policeman hunting the killer of his wife and daughter. The Book of Lost Things, published in September 2006, to be followed by the next Parker novel, The Unquiet, early in 2007.
約翰·康納利,1968年生于都柏林,犯罪小說家。他曾做過很多職業(yè),包括記者、酒保、公務員、服務生。他于1999年出版《Every Dead Thing》之后,即以警探Charlie Parker系列走紅英美文壇,更是紐約時報暢銷榜的常勝軍。2006年出版的《The Book of Lost Things》是獨立于Charlie Parker系列的作品。