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席琳•狄翁亮相奧斯卡禮 獻新曲向大師致敬
[ 2007-02-08 09:48 ]

本月25號,第79屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮隆重登場。據報道,加拿大流行天后席琳·狄翁屆時將演唱最新單曲  “I knew I loved you”。頒獎典禮當晚,美國影藝學院還將推出向意大利籍電影配樂大師顏尼歐·莫里康致敬特別節目,狄翁的演出屬于其組成部分。據悉,78歲的顏尼歐·莫里康曾多次入圍奧斯卡最佳電影配樂獎,他的入圍作品包括《鐵面無私》、《豪情四海》等。

在線收聽Celine DionI believe in you

                            A new day has come 



Celine Dion performs at Caesars Palace hotel-casino in Las Vegas in this April 30, 2006 file photo. Dion will unveil her new song, 'I Knew I Loved You,' during a tribute to composer Ennio Morricone at this year's Academy Awards, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007. The Oscars are Feb. 25. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, file)

Celine Dion will unveil her new song, "I knew I loved you," during a tribute to Italian composer Ennio Morricone at this year's Academy Awards, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said Wednesday.

Morricone, who will receive an honorary Oscar at the Feb. 25 awards, orchestrated the song for 1984's "Once Upon a Time in America," directed by Sergio Leone.

Songwriters Alan and Marilyn Bergman wanted to write lyrics for the song, but the film's producers felt none were needed. The Bergmans got their chance with Dion's version.

Morricone, 78, has received original score Oscar nominations for "Days of Heaven," "The Mission," "The Untouchables," "Bugsy" and "Malena."

The new rendition of "I knew I loved you," produced by Quincy Jones, will appear on Morricone's upcoming greatest-hits album and on Dion's forthcoming record.




original score Oscar nomination:奧斯卡最佳電影配樂提名


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