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[ 2006-11-07 09:51 ]


Snow: Would you tell me what educational background you have?
Peter: Yes. I graduated from middle school in 1986, then I entered Shanghai Polytechnics. I graduated in 1992 with a B.S. degree.
Snow: What department did you study in?
Peter: I was in Department of Physics.
Snow: How were your scores at college?
Peter: They were all excellent.
Snow: What course did you like best?
Peter: I was very interested in business Management. And I think it's very useful for my present work.
Snow: How are you getting on with your studies?
Peter: I'm doing well at school.
Snow: Which subject are you least interested in?
Peter: I think it was Chinese History. Not because the subject was boring, but the large amount of material that had to be memorized. It left no room to appreciate the wisdom of great people in the past.
Snow: When and where did you receive your MBA degree?
Peter: I received my MBA degree from Beijing University in 1998.
Snow: Were you in a leading position when you were a college student?
Peter: Yes, I was president of the student union of our university, and I joined the Communist Party of China in my junior year.
Snow: Did you get any honors or rewards at your university?
Peter: Yes, I got the university scholarship in 1994~1995 academic year, received the second-class award in the Olympic Mathematics Competition of our province in 1993.
Snow: Great. Were you involved in any club activities at your university?
Peter: Yes, I was on the college basketball team.
Snow: What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college?
Peter: I persisted in jogging every morning. I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball.


1. 對話中Peter在回答面試官關于他教育情況的問題。educational background是指"教育背景"。graduate from,從某所學校畢業。我們都知道上大學是go to college, enter這個詞也可以表示上某所大學。Peter說 ...then I entered Shanghai Polytechnics. 我就讀于上海工業大學,polytechnic college 是指多科性工學院,工學院。

2. Peter 說I graduated in 1992 with a B.S. degree. 我1992年畢業并且獲得了理工學士學位。B.S. degree就是Bachelor of Science的開頭大寫字母縮寫,在寫簡歷的時候,一定要弄清楚自己學歷的英文標準翻譯。一般來說,bachelor,是學士學位,也就是國內的正規院校統招本科生,master,就是碩士學位,等等。

3. What department did you study in? 你就讀哪一個系?I was in Department of Physics. 我讀的是物理系。這其實就相當于在問,What's your major? 你的專業是什么?可以回答:My major is Physics. 或者I major in Physics.都可以。

4. 面試官一般還會問你在大學的學習成績,How were your scores at college? 你的考試成績怎么樣?可以回答They were all excellent. 門門都是優秀。或者概括地說I'm doing well at school. 我在學校成績很好。

5. 考官還會詢問你對學校里那些科目比較感興趣,因為這樣會從側面反應你的能力傾向。Which subject were you least interested in? 你對哪一科最不感興趣?Peter說是中國歷史,因為有太多資料要背,以至于沒有任何時間去真正欣賞前人的智慧。

6. 關于這個問題你可以如實回答,當然,如果你很了解你面試的公司,說一些投其所好的科目也無傷大雅。Peter后來還獲得了MBA學位,MBA我想大家都比較熟悉了,就是工商管理碩士Master of Business Administration 的開頭大寫字母縮寫。receive a degree from,就是從某所學校獲得某種學位。

7. 對話中Peter在講述自己在大學里除了學習成績之外其它方面的表現情況,這對考官來說,也是一個值得參考的地方。a leading position,是指"領導職位",Were you in a leading position when you were a college student? 你在大學的時候擔當過什么領導職位嗎?Peter說他在大學里擔任過學生會主席,并且還入了黨,應該是表現很積極了。president of Student union,學生會主席,join the Communist Party of China,加入中國共產黨。

8. Did you get any honors or rewards at your university? 是問在大學里有沒有獲得過任何獎勵。Peter回答說,I got the university scholarship in 1994~1995 academic year,我獲得了94-95學年的獎學金,scholarship,獎學金,那么full scholarship,就是全額獎學金。academic year,學年,一般包括兩個學期,學期是semester。

9. Peter還被問道Were you involved in any club activities at your university?在學校里參加過什么社團沒有,club activities在這里指大學里的社團活動,比如籃球隊比賽,象棋比賽等等。Peter說參加過籃球隊,I was on the college basketball team. 參加某個球隊,用on這個介詞。

10. take part in extracurricular activities,參加課外活動。Peter還每天早上堅持慢跑,persist in doing something,堅持做某事。

(改編自:國際在線 英語點津 Annabel 編輯)

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