美國第三億個人“花落誰家”? [ 2006-10-19 14:41 ]
In this image made from television, the U.S.
population estimate table is shown as it reaches the 300 million
mark, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006, at
the U.S. |
Media outlets from Atlanta to San Francisco on
Wednesday boasted competing claims to be the birthplace of America's 300
millionth person but admitted no one will ever know for sure.
The Census Bureau estimated on Tuesday the U.S. population hit the
300-million mark at 7:46 a.m. EDT (1146 GMT).
This sparked a flurry of speculation about the identity of the
milestone person, and newspapers from Kalamazoo, Michigan to Tucson,
Arizona and Saratoga, New York, nominated babies born in their areas as
the one.
The San Francisco Chronicle speculated it might have been the son born
to Jenny Tang at 4:42 a.m. PDT (1142 GMT) . Or perhaps it was seven-pound,
13-ounce (3.54 kg) Anthony Joshua Anton delivered in Pittsburgh,
Pensylvania at 7:43 a.m. EDT (1143 GMT), TV station KDKA said.
One demographer has said the 300 millionth person would likely be a
Latino boy given current U.S. population trends.
Others said it could even be an immigrant. The Census Bureau said it
would not attempt to identify the 300 millionth person. When the
population topped 200 million in 1967, Life magazine ultimately named
Robert Woo, a Chinese-American born in the Atlanta area, as the person who
passed the mark.
Diaper maker Pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable diapers to
the 300 millionth baby. A spokeswoman on Wednesday said the company had
not yet decided whom to give the prize. "It's a good question how we'll
decide. ... We understand there are various names vying for the title."
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