希拉里的總統抱負: 美遲早會擁有女總統 [ 2006-09-01 14:53 ]
盡管希拉里·克林頓一再聲明,她目前只把全部精力放在11月份的議員選舉上,但種種跡象表明這位前第一夫人正朝著更高的目標奮進。本周四,在參觀“美國女性名人堂”未來的新家之前,希拉里表示,她希望美國在未來能出現一位女總統,而這只是時間早晚問題。民意調查顯示,希拉里雖然在民眾中有著相當的號召力,但仍有部分支持者認為她競選2008總統還為時過早。 |
Sen. Hillary Rodham
Clinton, standing outside an abandoned knitting mill that will become the
new home of the National Women's Hall of
Fame , said Thursday she hopes America is ready for its
first woman president.
"It just depends on when and if that happens," the former first lady
told ABC's "Nightline." "Stay tuned."
Clinton continued to duck
questions about whether she will run for the White House
in 2008, saying yet again she is completely focused on her re-election
this year.
But Clinton said that when it comes to a woman holding what she called
"the toughest job in the world, some day it will happen."
Recent polls have shown Clinton far ahead of her rivals in the New York
race, and with a distinct advantage among female voters.
A poll released last week by Quinnipiac University's Polling Institute
found the job approval rating for the state's junior senator at 58 percent
among male voters and 63 percent among women.
But even some women who support Clinton's re-election this year aren't
certain she should run for the White House in 2008, in large part because
she is a woman.
Valerie Brechko, an elementary school teacher from Penn Yan, said
Wednesday during a Clinton campaign stop that while she is a strong
Clinton supporter, she doesn't want her to run in 2008 because she can't
"I don't feel that our country is willing or ready to vote a woman into
that office," Brechko said. "I hate to say it. I'm definitely a women's
libber.But they're just not ready."
Clinton faces a Sept. 12 primary against anti- Iraq war activist
Jonathan Tasini. Former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer and Reagan-era Pentagon
official Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland are vying for the Republican Senate
(Agencies) |
National Women's
Hall of Fame :美國女性名人堂
duck questions:
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