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Basic American Grammar and Usage
[ 2006-08-23 18:23 ]


Author: Marcel Danesi 

List Price: $14.99

Pages: 336

Publisher: Barron's Educational    Series

ISBN: 0764133586

    | Book description |


Many students of English as a second language are daunted by the complexities of English grammar and its terminology. This user-friendly book was written especially for them. The emphasis here is on practical use of written and spoken American-style English, rather than on theory.

The first of the book's 15 chapters explains different kinds of sentences-affirmative, negative, and interrogative, as well as clauses and phrases that are component parts of many sentences. Several chapters that follow focus on different parts of speech, describing their uses in verbal and written communication. The book's later chapters discuss vocabulary, standard protocols in conversational speech, and modes of expression, such as preferences and dislikes. A separate chapter presents guidelines for composing letters, e-mails, resumes, and other written forms. Short quizzes for self-testing appear throughout the text, with answers given at the back of the book.


About Author

MARCEL DANESI is the author of many books on semiotic topics. He is Professor of Semiotics and Linguistics at the University of Toronto and Director of the Program in Semiotics and Communication Theory. Danesi has also been cross-appointed as a professor of education, having established a continuing studies mathematics program for students with difficulties in this subject.

馬塞爾·達內什,多倫多大學符號及語言學教授,在語言學研究領域上成績卓然。曾出版過多本學術著作,主要有《Italian the Easy Way》,《Italian Vocabulary》,《French Word Puzzles》等。








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