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[ 2006-08-02 12:41 ]

先提個醒兒,在美國,酒后駕車的處罰可比國內嚴重的多!弄不好,有酒后駕車嫌疑的司機就會被警方指控DUI而被捕。DUI是driving under influence (of alcohol or other drugs)的縮寫,意思是“在酒精和藥物影響下駕駛”。看下面這則相關新聞報道——奧斯卡最佳導演梅爾·吉布森(飾演《勇敢的心》精彩劇照 )因酒后駕車被加州警方逮捕。

Mel Gibson was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in Malibu, Calif. for suspicion of DUI. Bail was set at $5,000.

A spokesman for the Los Angeles Country Sheriff's Department told TMZ, "Mel Gibson was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. "

在閱讀英文報刊時,遇到陌生的單詞千萬不要驚慌,很多時候,我們自能在文中找到該詞的精確解釋。拿這篇報道為例,在隨后段落里,“警方發言人”很快幫讀者解答了何為“DUI”——driving under the influence(酒勁兒還在起作用時開車)。

另外,“酒后駕車”比較常見的英文表達還有drunk driving和“DWI”——driving while intoxicated(酒醉時開車)。

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